Chapter 2000 is quite artistic

   "Xiaoxiao, why do I think this store is unreliable?" Second Sister Liu said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Probably not, the last time we came to cut the hair, wasn't it okay?"

  Second Sister Liu thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so she let go of her hanging heart.

   "Who wants a haircut?" Ah Bao asked after walking into the barber shop.

"It's us."

   "So it's you guys, how do you want to cut this time?"

  Liu Ermei thought for a while after hearing what Abao said, and then said: "I want to cut my hair a bit shorter, so it can reach the chest position."

   "No problem, what about you, how do you want to cut it?"

   "Short to the neck."

"you sure?"


Ah Bao was immediately excited when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. To be honest, since he opened this barber shop, few women have come to have their hair cut. short.

  No one cut their hair short like this girl, which made it impossible for him to show his skills. Today he finally has a chance to show his skills, and he has to cut it well.

   "Let me help you trim your hair first. Hair trimming is relatively simple, and it will be done soon." Abao said to Liu Ermei.


  After more than ten minutes, Abao helped Ermei Liu fix her hair, and then he asked Ermei Liu, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

  Liu Ermei looked in the mirror after hearing what A Bao said, and then said, "Satisfied."

   "That's good, please sit on the stool beside me, I'm going to cut that little girl's hair."

   When Second Sister Liu heard what A Bao was excited about, she glanced at A Bao before sitting on the stool beside her.

   "Little girl, come and sit down, it's your turn to cut your hair."

  Lu Xiaoxiao always felt weird when she saw Abao excited, but there was only one barber shop in the county, so even if she felt weird, she had no choice, because she had no choice.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at herself in the mirror and didn't know what expression to make, because her hair was cut into ear-length short hair.

   In fact, the hair was cut to the neck at the beginning, but because Abao wanted to show off his skills, he cut her hair into a shape like a dog gnawing on it.

  Although she was very angry, there was nothing she could do, because her hair was already like that, what else could she do, she could only ask Abao to cut her hair into ear-length short hair.

   But fortunately, she has a good background, even if she cuts her ear-length hair short, it is not ugly, but her face looks smaller and cuter.

   It's just that in this era when twist braids are popular, her short hair is too conspicuous, and it is easy to attract attention.

   Fortunately, it will be winter soon, and she can wear a hat, so that she can't see the length of her hair.

   "Xiaoxiao, is your hair cut too short?" Second Sister Liu asked while looking at Lu Xiaoxiao's hair.

   "I can't help it, I can't go out staring at the dog-gnawed hair."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she thought of the hairstyle Lu Xiaoxiao had cut before.

   "What a dog gnawed, the hairstyle I cut is so artistic, how could you insult it like that.

  When I wanted to be an apprentice face to face, it was because the haircut was very artistic, so my master let me out early. "

After hearing what A Bao said, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at A Bao with eyes like looking at a fool. She dared to bet that with a pack of spicy strips, A Bao's master definitely let A Bao leave the teacher early because he didn't want to be mad at A Bao. .

  (end of this chapter)

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