Chapter 2005 Suspect

  But no matter why the captain let her do it, it is a good thing for her.

   "Captain, I'm going home. If I don't hear the news of someone turning himself in the morning after tomorrow, I'll go to the county seat to report the crime."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left, Aunt Caihua said to Wang: "Second daughter-in-law, how did you ask Xiaoxiao those words properly just now? Don't you know that those words are easy to be misunderstood."

   "Mother, I just asked casually, without thinking too much."

   "Be careful in the future, it's almost time to make dinner, the three of you will make today's dinner."


  After the three daughters-in-law left, the captain asked Aunt Caihua: "What did the second daughter-in-law say just now?"

   "She asked Xiaoxiao if no one came to you to surrender, is she going to report to the police? This is not an obvious thing, she has to ask again, if you say that she said something like that, it will make people think too much."

  The captain didn't speak after hearing Aunt Caihua's words, but took a sip of the dry tobacco in his hand.

  In his impression, Mrs. Wang is not the kind of talkative person. How could she say those words today?

  Although the captain couldn't understand why Wang made such a fuss, he still took this matter to heart.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the captain's house, she didn't go home, but walked towards Liu Biao's house. She wanted to find Liu Biao to know the details of Mrs. Wang.


   "Who is it?" Liu Biao asked after he had finished his last sip of wine when he heard a knock on the door.


  As soon as Liu Biao heard Lu Xiaoxiao's voice, he immediately got up and went to the yard to open the door.

   "Master Xiao, why are you free to come to my house today?" Liu Biao asked Lu Xiaoxiao after opening the door.

   "I have something to do with you."

   "Go into the room and talk."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao entered Liu Biao's house, she saw wine glasses and peanuts on the table, and she said to Liu Biao, "I had a good life."

   "'s just so-so."

   "Do you know the details of Mrs. Wang?"

   "You mean the captain's second daughter-in-law?"



"Tell me."

  "Wang's name is Wang Juan, she is the eldest daughter of the Wang family in the east of the village, and she has a younger brother and five younger sisters.

  The Wang family married her to the captain's second son in order to let her drag her only younger brother, but she didn't drag her natal family much over the years, which caused her relationship with her natal family to be particularly bad. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while after listening to Liu Biao's words, and she said to Liu Biao: "Can you tell me about the only younger brother of the Wang family?"

   "Yes, Wang's younger brother is Wang Jinbao. He is now studying in junior high school in the county. It may be because he is not good at studying. He has not been admitted to high school for three years.

  But because he is the only male in the Wang family, the Wang family especially supports him in studying.

  As for Wang Jinbao, how should I put it, I think he is very fake, because he is good to everyone, as if he is the savior of the world. "

  After listening to Liu Biao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew what kind of person Wang Jinbao was, so she said to Liu Biao, "Liu Biao, can you keep an eye on Wang and Wang Jinbao for me?"

   "Okay, but can I ask why you stand against them?"

   "I suspect that the person who stole from my house is Wang Jinbao."

   "No way, Wang Jinbao is so weak, how could he get into your house." Liu Biao said after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

  (end of this chapter)

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