Chapter 2015 Compensation, Donation

  Lu Xiaoxiao sneered when she heard the captain's words. Although the person who stole was not Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wang was even more hateful than the one who stole things. She didn't know where the captain's face said those words.

  After the captain heard Lu Xiaoxiao's sneer, he felt ashamed to face others, but who made Wang's daughter-in-law of his second son and mother of his grandson, if he didn't show embarrassment, what would they do in the future.

"Captain, have you ever heard the saying, how can you repay kindness with kindness? I think I am good to Mrs. Wang, and I have never offended him, but she plots against me like this. How can I let her go?" Lu Xiaoxiao said said the captain.

   "I know what Wang did was wrong. She is sorry for you. No matter what you want to do to her, you should. But can you let her be punished in the village for the sake of her child?"

   "I'm only ten years old this year."

Lu Xiaoxiao's words made the captain completely ashamed. Yes, Lu Xiaoxiao is only ten years old, and except for the youngest seven-year-old Wang's children, all other children are older than Lu Xiaoxiao. What he said just now is a joke.

Aunt Caihua saw that her man was humiliated because of Wang, she gave Wang a hard look, then walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I know Wang is sorry for you, but we didn't There are reasons for you to let her go.

  However, because Wang is a first-time offender, can you give her a break and ask her to pay you three times the money for what you lost, and then ask her to chop firewood for you for a year. "

  Lu Xiaoxiao's face looked much better after hearing Aunt Caihua's words, not because she cared about the compensation, but because Aunt Caihua's attitude made people feel comfortable, so she was willing to give Aunt Caihua face.

   "Auntie, I'm not an unreasonable person. If anyone's things are stolen, I will be angry, so my attitude just now was not very good. Don't mind."

   "I don't mind, I don't mind. What you said just now are angry words, we understand."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at Aunt Caihua after hearing what Aunt Caihua said, and then she said to Aunt Caihua: "I agree with what Auntie just said, but there is one thing that needs to be changed."

   "Which point?"

   "I don't want the compensation money and firewood. Let the captain distribute it to the elderly in the village who are living in difficulties. If you agree, then I will forgive Mrs. Wang."

  Aunt Caihua had no reason to disagree after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "I agree with everything you said."

   "Captain Liu, I won't pursue Mrs. Wang anymore."

   "Have you decided?"


   "Since you have made up your mind, I will take people away."


   "Wait a minute, you can't take Jinbao away, our family will lose money, and our family will also lose money." Xie Gui shouted holding Wang Jinbao.

   "What are you going to do about this?" Liu Cheng asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what Liu Cheng said, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xie Gui, and then asked Xie Gui, "Are you really planning to lose money?"


   "Ten times, as long as you give out ten times the money, I can let Wang Jinbao go."

   "Why does Wang only need to pay three times the money, but I have to give ten times the money?"

"I'm happy."


   "What about me? If you don't give out the money, then I'll have someone take Wang Jinbao away."

   "Take it, I'll go home to get the money now." Xie Gui stood up after speaking, and then ran towards the house quickly, fearing that Wang Jinbao would be taken away if he was too late.

   Updated thirty-five chapters in one breath, Huahua is not good enough, there are another twenty-five chapters to be updated, today a total of sixty chapters are updated, let the cuties enjoy watching.

   So, little cuties, let’s cast our votes, get five-star points, yum.



  (end of this chapter)

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