Chapter 2020 Tree Big Branch (2)

"I think Dad's decision is very good. When I built the food processing factory before, I asked Lu Xiaoxiao to register for me because I couldn't read. If I could read, then I could register by myself. No need Lu Xiaoxiao helped." Liu Baozhu said after hearing what the captain said.

   "Boss is very enlightened, what about your two families, what do you think?"

  Liu Baoguo and Liu Baoliang looked at each other after hearing what the captain said. Since Liu Baozhu was going to send his children to school, their children would naturally go, so they agreed with the captain's decision.

When the captain saw that all the things in the house were clearly divided, and that his son and daughter-in-law had no objection to his distribution, he was relieved if he didn't leave. They have knots in their hearts.

   Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, and the pain caused by the separation of his family was relieved a lot.

   "Okay, the family division is over, let's all go to the table for dinner. After the meal, the boss will invite a few clan elders from the village and let them be a witness, so that the family is completely divided."

   "Understood, Dad." Liu Baozhu said after hearing what the captain said.

   After lunch, Liu Baozhu went out to call for someone, and he called several clan elders in the village to his home not long after.

   "Why did you separate the family properly?" asked the captain of the old court of the great clan.

"The tree has big branches, and the children in the family have grown up, and their children are about to reach the age of marriage. I thought that if the family was not separated, the house of the family would not be able to live, so I simply divided the family. gone."

   "Is it really because of this?"

   "Yes, I would like to ask the elders to read the separation documents for me. The children in the family agree with me to divide the family in this way." After the captain finished speaking, he handed the separation documents to the elders.

  The elder of the big family took the separation document handed to him by the captain, and then read it again. There was no problem. The family was divided fairly, but there was one omission, which is still very important.

   "There is no problem with your family separation document, but why is it not written on the family separation document the tribute each family gives you every year." The captain of the old dynasty asked.

   "My wife and I are still young and don't need their filial piety. When we are old, they will send some if they want to. If they don't, it's okay. The boss will take care of us." The captain explained with a smile.

   "You are thinking of them."

   "Old man, I will send things to my parents every year and festival. As long as I have something delicious, I will give it to my parents." Liu Baozhu said to the captain.

   "I will also give it to my parents."

"I can do it too."

  Mr. Zhang, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Zhao didn’t have any objection when they heard what their husband said. It was fair when the father separated the family, and they didn’t lose them, so they are willing to honor their parents.

  After all, people’s hearts are fleshy, and their parents treat them well, so how could they not be filial to their parents.

  After hearing what Liu Baozhu and the others said, the elder of the rich family looked at Liu Baozhu and his wife. He finally understood why the captain didn't write the filial piety on the paperwork.

  Because it is the same whether writing or not writing, the captain’s son and daughter-in-law have their old couple in their hearts, and they will not lose their old couple in the future.

   Sure enough, the captain is his most promising nephew, otherwise he wouldn't be the captain by his own ability.

   "Since you have all discussed it and have no objection to the distribution of the document, I will sign it as a witness."

  (end of this chapter)

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