Chapter 2024 Roof Repair (1)

   "Okay, I'll trade it with you, but if you have such ointment again in the future, sell it to me first."

   "No problem." Lu Xiaoxiao said cheerfully.

   Zhuo Mu gave a rare smile after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "What's your name?"

   "My name is Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Where do you live?"

   "Are you going to check your account?"

   "I want someone to help you send the tile home."

  After hearing Zhuo Mu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that she had misunderstood, so she smiled awkwardly, and then said, "My family lives in Tianshui Village."

   "I'll have someone load the tiles into the car, when will the ointment be given to me?"

   "I'll give it to you later, because the remaining nine boxes of ointment are at home."


  The four of Liu Biao witnessed how Lu Xiaoxiao bought the tiles, and they were shocked by Lu Xiaoxiao's operation.

   Also, it is the first time that they know that they can buy things in this way, so they have learned a lot.

   "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and help install the tiles." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Liu Biao and the others.

  The four of Liu Biao recovered after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they ran towards the car.

  After more than ten minutes, 500 pieces of tiles were loaded on the car. Because Zhuo Mu drove her to deliver the tiles this time, she and Liu Biao didn't have to walk home.

   Half an hour later, the car stopped at the intersection. After Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the car and Liu Biao unloaded the tiles, they went home to get Zhuo Mu some ointment.

   "There are nine boxes of ointments in this bag, you count them." Lu Xiaoxiao handed the bag to Zhuo Mu and said.

  After Zhuo Mu took the bag that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he opened the bag, took a look, and said, "That's right, it's nine boxes."

   "Money and goods are settled, happy cooperation."

   "Can I come to your house to find you after the ointment is used up?" Zhuo Mu asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Okay, but I'm not sure there will be this ointment in the future."



   After Zhuo Mu left, Liu Biao said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, should all these tiles be moved to your yard?"

   "Of course, how to fix the roof without moving to the yard."

   "Then we will help you move the tiles to the yard, you go home first."

   "Thank you for your hard work. I invite you to eat delicious food at noon. I'll go back and cook." Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards home after speaking.

   After half an hour, Liu Biao and the others moved all the tiles into the yard, and they began to help Lu Xiaoxiao clean the roof, so that the tiles could be laid directly in the afternoon.

After Lu Xiaoxiao cooked the meal, she put the dishes on the table in the yard and put them on the yard. The reason why she put the dishes in the yard was because when Liu Biao and the others cleaned up the roof, the house was covered with dust. There is no way to sit and eat.

   "Master Xiao, how did you cook so much meat?" Liu Gouzi looked at a large bowl of braised pork on the table and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "If you don't let you eat enough, how can you have the energy to help me work."

   "Master Xiao, you are treating us like cows."

   "Cow? You think of beauty, but you are at best a donkey."

   "Hahaha... Gouzi, you are going to betray me. I don't know if your dog brother will bite you if he finds out."

   "Oh, won't you bite me don't you know?"

  The three of Liu Biao didn't realize it until they heard Liu Gouzi's words. They scolded themselves just now.

  Lu Xiaoxiao almost died of laughter when she heard the conversation between the four of Liu Biao. She was really worried about their IQ.

  (end of this chapter)

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