Chapter 2032 Pay in advance

  After Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the kang for half an hour, she felt her hands and feet regained consciousness, so she moved the kang table to one side and lay down on the kang.

  Comfortable, really comfortable, if it is not bad for people's health to lie down for a long time, they will definitely lie on the kang all winter.

   "Squeak... pull... bang, pay attention, everyone, please pay attention, I have something to announce next.

  I just received the news from above that it will snow heavily in a few days, so let us hand in the food in advance.

  All the male laborers gathered at the warehouse this afternoon to help pack the grain to be handed in.

  I repeat, just now I... "

  After hearing the words from the loudspeaker, Lu Xiaoxiao understood what was going on, but is the food handed in this year still the same as last year? Lu Xiaoxiao was very curious.

  So she plans to check it out in the afternoon.

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao took out the big padded jacket she wore last winter from the space and put it on her body, then she went out and walked towards the grain drying field.

  When she came to the grain drying field, she found that there were many people around the grain drying field. It seemed that she was not the only one who was curious about how much grain to pay this year.

   "Captain, will we hand in the same amount of food this year as last year?" An old man asked the captain.


   "Isn't the production cut this year? Why do you have to pay so much?"

   "That's what the superiors told me, and I don't know."

   "Hey, after the food is handed in, the food in the village is not enough at all. What should I do now?"

  The people in the grain drying yard were all silent after hearing the old man's words, because their mood was as full of helplessness as the old man's, full of confusion about the future.

   "Okay, everyone, don't be so discouraged. The above said that our production has decreased this year, and we will be given relief food, so you don't have to worry about running out of food."

The people in the grain drying yard didn't feel happy at all after hearing the captain's words, because the relief food was pitifully small compared to the food they handed in, and it wasn't enough for their family to feed for a month. How could this make them happy? get up.

When Lu Xiaoxiao looked at everyone's sad, lost and hesitant expressions, she felt really uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't help them either, not because she was selfish, but because the current environment is like this, so everything needs to go with the flow nature.

   "Okay, now is not the time to be uncomfortable, hurry up and work, the food will be handed in tomorrow morning, there is no time for us to delay." The captain said to everyone in the grain drying field.

Everyone in the grain drying field started to work after hearing what the captain said. Although they were unwilling to hand in the grain, they knew that no matter how unwilling they were, the grain would still have to be handed in. Bag, turn in.

  The captain saw everyone starting to work, so he walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I have something to ask you, can you go with me to a place where no one is around?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what the captain said, and then followed the captain to a place where no one was around.

  She asked the captain when the captain stopped, "Captain, what do you want from me?"

   "Xiaoxiao, do you still remember the incident of selling maltose?"


   "I came to you today to ask you to help buy food with the money from selling maltose. You also know that it is too difficult for us to buy food with money, so I want you to help buy food."

  (end of this chapter)

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