Chapter 2064 search results

  Liu Pingjiang nodded after hearing Liu Ermei's words, and then said: "Just do as you said, we will go over and talk to the search team now."

When Second Sister Liu went to Liu Pingjiang and Mrs. Liu to find the search team, she returned to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I have already told my parents that they are now going to the search team." people."


   When Liu Pingjiang came to the head of the search team, he said to the head of the search team: "I can allow you to search my house, but you can't damage my house. If you damage my house, you have to pay for it.

   Otherwise, I will go to the county seat to sue you. "

  The captain of the search team glanced at Liu Pingjiang after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, and then said to the people behind him: "Go in and search for me, and be gentle with your hands and feet, otherwise whoever breaks something will pay for it."

  After more than ten minutes, the search team members came out of the house, and then they shook their heads at the search team leader.

   "Have you searched carefully?" The leader of the search team asked with a frown.

   "The search was thorough, and even the mouse holes were not spared."

   "In this case, let's go."

   "Wait a minute." Seeing that the search team was about to leave, Liu Pingjiang hurriedly said.

   "What's the matter?" The leader of the search team asked after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words.

   “I want to know who reported my possession of old objects.”

   "You can't say this, if you say it, who will dare to report it later."

   "I know the rules, but this time it's obviously a frame-up. If the person who made a false report is not punished, then anyone who wants to make a frame-up report will be able to report it in the future. Wouldn't your workload increase?"

The captain of the search team heard Liu Pingjiang's words and felt that what Liu Pingjiang said was reasonable, and he wanted to use Liu Pingjiang's hand to clean up the false whistleblowers, so he said to Liu Pingjiang: "The person who reported you is called Li Daye .”

   "Thank you for telling me the villain who framed me." Liu Pingjiang said to the leader of the search team after he got what he wanted to know.

   "I hope you don't let me down." The search leader took the people away after speaking.

After the people from the search team left, Liu Pingjiang told Mrs. Liu to clean up the house properly, and said to the people who watched the excitement outside the door: "Fathers, folks, I, Liu Pingjiang, have always been an honest person, and I have never done anything wrong to the village. I have never done anything to be sorry to the folks.

  But today Li Daye went to the search team to report me, saying that there were old things in my house.

   Fortunately, the searcher returned my innocence to me after the search, otherwise I would have been stained for the rest of my life.

  I said so much just to ask the folks if they would accompany me to find Li Daye to seek justice, otherwise I am afraid that he will report you indiscriminately in the future.

   After all, I never had any contact with him, so he reported me. "

  The spectators were originally reluctant to accompany Liu Pingjiang to seek justice, because they didn't want to offend anyone, let alone cause trouble.

  But when they heard Liu Pingjiang say that Li Daye was likely to report them, they couldn't sit idly by.

  Because many of them have one or two old items in their homes, if Li Daye reported their home, would their home still be alive?

  So they had to clean up Li Daye, so that he would no longer have the courage to report, so that they could live a peaceful life with peace of mind.

  (end of this chapter)

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