Chapter 2204 Bragging

   "Can Aunt Chen get so much food by herself?"

   "Yes, don't look at my mother as thin and weak, but she is much stronger than my father. Two hundred catties of food is nothing in my mother's eyes."

  Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't believe it when she heard Zhang Aihua's words, because Chen Zhenzhen's height was only about 1.5 meters, and her weight didn't seem to exceed 100. Can such a thin body really carry 200 catties of grain?

   "Mom, I'm here, come here quickly." Seeing Chen Zhenzhen carrying two bags of food, Zhang Aihua immediately shouted to Chen Zhenzhen.

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's cry, Lu Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Aihua's line of sight, and then she completely believed what Zhang Aihua said.

  Because she saw Chen Zhenzhen walking fast carrying two large bags of grain, faster than the men passing by her carrying one bag of grain.

   "Mom, take a break, and let me buy non-staple food." Zhang Aihua handed Chen Zhenzhen a handkerchief and said.

   "Okay, I'll be waiting for you here, please hurry up."

   "Got it, Xiaoxiao, do you want to go shopping for non-staple food with me?"

   "No need, I'll buy non-staple food in a few days, you go quickly."


   After Zhang Aihua went to buy non-staple food, Chen Zhenzhen said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, you are exhausted."

   "Fortunately, it's just that I was stepped on several times, and now my toes are still a little painful."

"It's good that you only got stepped on a few times when you came to buy food for the first time. When Ah Hua came to buy food with me for the first time last year, she was pushed and fell into the mud. Fortunately, she was surrounded The scarf, otherwise, it is estimated that two front teeth will be knocked out."

  After hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood why Zhang Aihua so solemnly reminded her not to be squeezed out. Zhang Aihua had personally experienced feelings.

   "Aunt Chen, do you have to come on the 1st of every month to buy food?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Chen Zhenzhen.

   "Yes, you have to buy it on the 1st of every month, because this is the only day of the month when the food is the most abundant. You can only try your luck if you want to buy food at other times."

   "I didn't expect life in the city to be so difficult. I used to hear people in the village say how good life is in the city, and there is endless food. Now it seems that it is not what they said."

Chen Zhenzhen burst out laughing when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Don't believe the nonsense that is passed around, those words are all boasted by people from the city when they go to the countryside to show off. , it can’t be true.”

   "I know, but it seems that everyone in the village believes it."

"There are too many people bragging, even if it is fake, people will mistakenly think it is true. If the life of the city people is really as good as they say, there will not be so many people who are hungry and skinny. , there will not be so many families with more than a dozen people crowded into a small room."

   "Mom, what are you and Xiaoxiao talking about? Why do you look so ugly?" Zhang Aihua came back from buying non-staple food, and saw Chen Zhenzhen and Lu Xiaoxiao's faces were not looking good, so she asked.

   "I didn't say anything, have you bought all the non-staple food?"

   "Except for fungus and shrimp skins, I have bought everything else."

   "Let's go, let's go home, I'm exhausted from tossing all night, now I just want to go home and have a good sleep."

   "Mom, you probably won't be able to sleep. Grandma told you to kill the old hen raised at home, saying that it was stewed to make up for Dad and Grandpa."

  (end of this chapter)

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