Chapter 2206 Being a guest (2)

   "Ah Hua...Ah Hua... are you at the door?" Qian Juhua came out of the main room and saw that Zhang Aihua, who was standing at the gate of the courtyard, could no longer be there, so she called out.

   "Grandma, I'm here, I'll go back to the house right away, don't come out, the floor outside is slippery."

   "I see, you go back to the house quickly, don't be cold."


  After Zhang Aihua answered Qian Juhua's words, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, let's go inside."


   After Zhang Aihua entered the room, Qian Juhua immediately handed Zhang Aihua the Tang Pozi in her hand, and then said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, quickly use Tang Pozi to warm your hands."

   "Grandma, I'm not cold anymore, Mrs. Tang, you can use it yourself. By the way, this is my good friend Lu Xiaoxiao. Didn't you say you wanted to see her yesterday, and I brought her here today."

Qian Juhua didn't notice Lu Xiaoxiao behind Zhang Aihua until she heard Zhang Aihua's flowers, so she immediately walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao, took Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "My child, I am Ahua's grandma, you can call me My grandma Qian, I am very glad that you came to play at our house today."

   "Hello, grandma Qian, these are pastries that my brother brought from Beijing. I brought some here for you to try and see if they are delicious."

   "It's fine if you come, and bring some pastries. You can save such a precious thing and eat it slowly."

   "I still have it at home. If you don't accept me, I will be embarrassed to come to your house in the future."

   "You child, I accepted this pastry today, you can't do this again next time, remember?"


   "Ah Hua, I'll go to the kitchen to help your mother cook, and you play with Xiaoxiao at home."


After Qian Juhua left, Zhang Aihua immediately pulled Lu Xiaoxiao to sit on the kang, then took out the peanuts fried by Chen Zhenzhen yesterday and said: "Xiaoxiao, these are the peanuts my mother fried yesterday. They are very fragrant. Eat them quickly." .”

   "Thank you." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she picked up a peanut and peeled it into her mouth.

   "How is it? Is it very fragrant?" Zhang Aihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao finished eating a peanut.

   "It is really fragrant, and there is a slight garlic and salty taste."

   "You can eat this."

   "I have a sensitive sense of taste."

"Excellent, my mother did use garlic and salt when frying peanuts. This is my mother's unique skill. Many people want to learn from my mother. My mother didn't teach them. My mother said that this skill will be passed on in the future. I.

  In this way, even if I can’t find a job in the future, I won’t starve to death with this skill. "

   "Your mother really has the foresight. Maybe you can really become a little rich woman with this skill in the future."

   "With your good words, if I can really become a little rich woman with this skill in the future, then I will cover all the peanuts in your life."

   "It's a deal."

   "It's a deal."

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Aihua still don't know that the agreement between them has come true. Zhang Aihua has become a millionaire by virtue of the skill of frying peanuts taught by Chen Zhenzhen, and she also abides by the agreement with Lu Xiaoxiao. It was agreed to give Lu Xiaoxiao peanuts for a lifetime.

   "Hey, which doll is this girl? She looks so handsome." Zhang Weiguo asked after seeing Lu Xiaoxiao sitting on the kang after entering the main room.

   "Master, this is Xiaoxiao, I told you yesterday."

   "So you are Xiaoxiao, and you are as good-looking as Ah Hua said. I am Ah Hua's grandfather. You can call me Grandpa Zhang."

  (end of this chapter)

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