Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2216: cause dissatisfaction

  Chapter 2216 Dissatisfaction with everyone

  The captain's face turned blue when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. How dare Lu Xiaoxiao treat them like this? Isn't Lu Xiaoxiao afraid of being gossiped?

   Also, they are almost as old as Lu Xiaoxiao's uncles and grandparents. Isn't Lu Xiaoxiao afraid that others will say that she doesn't respect her elders?

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what the captain was thinking at the moment. If she knew, she would just scoff, because since she dared to make them apologize, people wouldn't think she disrespected her elders.

Chen Guang saw that the team did not express his opinion after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he said to the captain: "Captain, are you apologizing or not? Let me tell you, don't delay here, after all, the weather today is Really cold."

   "I can apologize, but I hope you don't embarrass others."

  After hearing what the captain said, Lu Xiaoxiao understood what the captain was thinking, but it was not suitable for her to come forward at this time, so she gave Chen Guang a look.

When Chen Guang received Lu Xiaoxiao's gaze, she knew what to do, so she said to the captain: "Captain, you are not the only one who did something wrong, are you planning to help them apologize to my sister? "

   "Yes, I am willing to help them apologize to Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Okay, since you are willing to apologize on their behalf, I can't say anything, I'll let people count how many people want to apologize to my sister, so that you can say sorry."

   "Isn't it enough to apologize once? Why do you have to apologize so many times?" The captain asked in a bad tone after hearing Chen Guang's words.

   "There is not only one person who does wrong. Naturally, there are as many times as humaneness. I don't need to teach you this truth, do you think so?"

After hearing Chen Guang's words, all the spectators answered loudly yes, they watched the excitement for a while, and probably understood what was going on, so they especially looked down on the behavior of a group of people in Tianshui Village, and a group of old men came to the door It would be shameless to bully a little girl.

  If they can help the little girl at this moment, they will naturally help. After all, they and the little girl can be regarded as neighbors, so naturally they can't just sit and watch the little girl being bullied.

Seeing that everyone was leaning towards Lu Xiaoxiao, the captain knew that going on like this would only embarrass them even more, and might even damage their village's reputation, so he had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, and said to everyone in Tianshui Village: " Apologize to Lu Xiaoxiao."

"I don't apologize, and I didn't do anything wrong. Why should she ask me to apologize to her? She is not afraid that I will be struck to death by lightning if I apologize to her." The old man heard that the captain asked him and Lu Xiaoxiao to apologize , he said angrily.

   "You guys take the old man away quickly. The old man is getting old, his brain is not working well, and he started talking nonsense." The captain said to the few people standing next to the old man with a trembling voice.

  The trembling voice didn't know whether it was anger or fear.

   "I won't leave, I don't have a bad brain, you guys, let me go, or I will use the clan law." The old man said to the people who were pulling him while twisting his body.

  It's a pity that he is getting old now, how could he be the opponent of the young man, he was dragged away from everyone's sight after a while.

  The captain couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the old man had been dragged away. It’s a good thing no one said anything to the old man just now, otherwise it would have been a disaster.

  (end of this chapter)

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