Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2221: Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors

  Chapter 2221 Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors

"Are you OK?"

   "It's okay, Chen Guang and Liu Cheng protected me very well, but I gave away the cigarettes you put in the study."

   "I don't smoke now. Those cigarettes were given to me by others before. You can do whatever you want."

   "When did you quit smoking?"

  “I started to quit smoking very early, but I stopped smoking completely recently.”

   "Your approach is right. Smoking is very harmful to people's health."


   "By the way, did you ask Chen Guang to bring someone to the house to protect me?"


   "I asked Chen Guang not to come. Those people in Tianshui Village were cleaned up today, and they dare not come to me again."

   "Be careful."

   "Don't worry, don't you understand my force value? Everyone in Tianshui Village may not be able to beat me together."

   Zhang Xu seemed to think of something when he heard the little girl's words. He laughed twice and then said, "I know you are very powerful."

  Because Zhang Xu took the microphone away when he laughed lowly just now, so Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Zhang Xu laughed just now, and she didn't hear what Zhang Xu said had a different meaning. She thought Zhang Xu was praising her.

  So she said arrogantly: "That is, I have always been very good."

   "I'm going on a mission. If you have anything to do, call the monkey. He didn't go on the mission with me this time." Zhang Xu said to the little girl when he heard the gray cat yelling for assembly from outside.

   "Didn't you just come back from a mission? Why are you going to go on a mission again? Are your injuries healed?"

   "It's ready, the end of the year is approaching, so there will be more tasks, but this year I will return to Harbin to celebrate the New Year with you."

   "I'm waiting for you at home."


  After hanging up the phone, Lu Xiaoxiao lay down on the sofa again. With the experience from last time, she couldn't help being afraid whenever she heard that Zhang Xu was on a mission.

  She had thought about asking Zhang Xu to change jobs, but she couldn't let Zhang Xu give up the career he liked and loved because of her own selfishness, let alone let Zhang Xu betray those brothers who were born and died with him because of her.

  So she can only comfort herself constantly, Zhang Xu is very capable, and he will definitely complete the task perfectly and come back safely.

"Xiaoxiao...Xiaoxiao, are you at home?" Zhang Aihua came home from school and heard her neighbors talking about what happened at Lu Xiaoxiao's house in the afternoon, so she immediately went home and told Chen Zhenzhen about it, and then went to Lu Xiaoxiao's house with Chen Zhenzhen Come.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Aihua's cry, she immediately got up from the sofa and walked outside the house.

   "Ah Hua, Aunt Chen, please come in." Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door of the courtyard and said to Zhang Aihua and Chen Zhenzhen.

After Zhang Aihua heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she didn't go into the yard immediately, but took Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay? I've heard about what happened at your house this afternoon, what are you doing?" Why don't you go to my house to find my parents for help, my parents are very popular in this area, they can call someone to help you support the situation."

   "I'm fine, thank you and Aunt Chen for your concern."

   "It's good that it's okay. You can't do this again next time. A distant relative is not as good as a close neighbor. If you have something to do in the future, you can come to my house. You can't support yourself anymore. What if something happens."


   "Then my mother and I are going back. If you are afraid, you can stay at my house for two days."

   "No need, I can do it by myself."

   "Okay then, you remember to close the doors and windows, no matter who knocks on the door at night, don't open it."


"I'm leaving."


  (end of this chapter)

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