Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2232: Recruitment opportunities available

  Chapter 2232 Recruitment opportunity available

  In fact, Lu Xiaoxiao has a faster and more convenient way to get Liu Biao to work in the county, but she doesn't want Zhang Xu to know that Liu Biao is working for her, otherwise she would have arranged Liu Biao to come to the county.

  At around five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Aihua's shout just as she was making dinner, so she put on a down jacket and went to the yard to open the door.

   "Xiaoxiao, I have good news for you." Zhang Aihua said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door.

   "What good news?"

   "My grandpa asked me to tell you that the day after tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning, take your friends to the gate of the transportation team to take the recruitment exam."

   "Didn't Grandpa Zhang say that you have to ask before you can give me a reply? Why did you get the result so quickly?"

   "My grandpa asked for you when he went to work in the afternoon."

   "It's really bothering Grandpa Zhang."

   "What's the trouble? The transportation team is very close to where my grandfather works. It's just a few steps away."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua’s words, Lu Xiaoxiao did not discuss this topic with Zhang Aihua again, because the key point is not something that Zhang Aihua can figure out.

   "Ah Hua, have you had dinner yet?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Aihua.


   "Then you can eat it at my house. I made braised pork. You can try it."

   "You know how to make braised pork?" Zhang Aihua looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in disbelief and said.


   "Then I want to have a good taste of your braised pork. If it's not delicious, I won't say it's delicious. After all, braised pork is my favorite dish."

   "Okay, if you have any shortcomings, just mention it, and I won't be angry."

  After Zhang Aihua followed Lu Xiaoxiao into the living room, she was overwhelmed by the strong aroma of sauce, so she looked towards the dining table.

   "Xiaoxiao, did you make that bowl of braised pork on the table?" Zhang Aihua asked Lu Xiaoxiao, pointing to the super-bright bowl of braised pork on the dining table.

   "Yeah, let's go to the table and eat."

  After Zhang Aihua sat down at the dining table, she felt the aroma of the sauce became stronger, which made her swallow unconsciously.

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled silently when she saw Zhang Aihua's appearance, then she took out a piece of braised pork with unused chopsticks for Zhang Aihua, and then said to Zhang Aihua, "Try the braised pork I made, is it delicious?"

   "Okay." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she picked up the braised pork in the bowl with chopsticks and put it into her mouth.

   "It's delicious, it's really delicious, much better than the braised pork I ate in the state-run restaurant." Zhang Aihua said to Lu Xiaoxiao after finishing the braised pork in her mouth.

   "If it tastes good, you can eat more, and if you want to eat it in the future, you can come to my house."

   "That's so embarrassing."

   "You still feel embarrassed?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Aihua with a half-smile and said.

  Zhang Aihua was inexplicably guilty when Lu Xiaoxiao saw it, so she directly broke the jar and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "From now on, when the meat tickets are issued every month, I will buy meat at your house."

   "Okay, as long as you are not tired of eating, I can help you make braised pork."

   "How can I get tired of such a delicious dish? If I have the conditions, I can't wait to eat braised pork."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was noncommittal about what Zhang Aihua said, because she had heard too many people say similar things to Zhang Aihua, and she was slapped in the face not long after.

  She thought that if Zhang Aihua was really asked to eat braised pork every day, she would probably be slapped in the face, but there was a certain chance that Zhang Aihua would never get tired of eating braised pork, so she would not comment on what Zhang Aihua said.

  (end of this chapter)

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