Chapter 2257 Rent a house (3)

  After hearing Xu Ankang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that she had misunderstood Xu Ankang, so she said to Xu Ankang: "Grandpa Xu, I misunderstood you just now, I'm sorry."

   "There is nothing to apologize for. I don't care what others think of me. If I live to my age and still care so much, then my previous decades will be in vain."

   "Grandpa Xu is open-minded."

   "Hahaha...I like to hear this sentence, but if you say that I am good-looking, I will be even happier."

  After hearing Xu Ankang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Xu Ankang's face. She really had no way to say that Xu Ankang was good-looking against her conscience, so she cast a look at Chen Zhenzhen asking for help.

  After Chen Zhenzhen received Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes begging for help, she immediately said to Xu Ankang: "Uncle Xu, I came to see you today for business."

   "I know, otherwise you wouldn't come to my house, tell me, what's the matter?"

   "I heard some time ago that Uncle Xu wanted to rent out the house in Tongzilou, so I came to Bo Xu's house today to ask if the house has been rented out?"

   "Not yet, but my house is not rented by everyone. You know that I value eyesight the most. If I don't sleep well, I won't rent it no matter how much I pay."

   "I know, so I brought the renters."

   "Who? Don't tell me that the person renting the house is a girl."

   "No, it's the person behind Xiaoxiao."

  Xu Ankang didn't notice the person standing behind Lu Xiaoxiao until he heard Chen Zhenzhen's words. If Chen Zhenzhen hadn't reminded him, he probably wouldn't have noticed that such a person had come to his house when they left.

   It's not that there is a problem with his eyes, but that Liu Biao is so invisible that he is easily ignored.

   "Uncle Xu, how is it? Can you rent the house to him?" Chen Zhenzhen asked after Xu Ankang looked at Liu Biao for a while.

  Xu Ankang ignored Chen Zhenzhen after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, but asked Liu Biao, "What's your name?"

   "Liu Biao."

   "The name is ridiculous, what is your relationship with the female doll?"


"to be honest."

   Liu Biao was a little flustered when he heard Xu Ankang's words. He didn't expect Xu Ankang to be so powerful, and he saw right away that he was not telling the truth, so he looked at Lu Xiaoxiao.

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't give Liu Biao any hints when Liu Biao looked at her, because she knew that Xu Ankang had seen the relationship between her and Liu Biao. If she gave Liu Biao some hints now, Liu Biao probably would Don't even think about renting a house today.

  Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao turned a blind eye to his begging eyes for help, Liu Biao became even more panicked. Just when he didn't know what to do, what Lu Xiaoxiao said to him suddenly flashed in his mind.

  So he looked at Xu Ankang and said, "Master Xiao is my benefactor."

   "You're smart, I rented the house to you." Xu Ankang said after hearing Liu Biao's words.

   "Wait, I don't know the rent of the house yet, so I can't rent the house right away, because I'm afraid I won't be able to afford the rent."

After hearing Liu Biao's words, Chen Zhenzhen smiled and said to Liu Biao: "Liu Biao, don't worry, the rent of Uncle Xu's house is very cheap, three yuan a month, but he has a request, that is, not to damage the house and the inside of the house." thing."

   "The rent is really only three yuan?" Liu Biao asked in disbelief.

   "Yes, Uncle Xu is not short of money. He just doesn't want the house to be damaged because it has been left unoccupied for a long time, so he rents out the house."

  (end of this chapter)

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