Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2271: made another fortune

  Chapter 2271 Made another fortune

  When Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, she checked the time and it was past three o'clock in the afternoon, so she went into the space to prepare the food for tonight's trade.

  After the deal is over tonight, the cooperation between her and Xu Ji is considered to be over.

  In the next period of time, she doesn't plan to sell the things in the space. First, the rumors are getting tighter and tighter, and second, she is not short of money or tickets, so there is no need to take such a big risk.

   At 7:30 in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao put on a thick padded jacket, then put on a scarf hat, and went out towards the small forest at the entrance of the county town.

  When she came to the grove, there were still fifteen minutes before the trading time, so she found a relatively hidden place, and took out the food traded tonight from the space and hid it there.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Xu Ji and his men walking towards her, so she said to Xu Ji: "Master Ji, you really know how to pinch the time, the time of arrival is exactly eight o'clock, one minute." No more, no less."

   "Hehe... I'm used to pinching points, because waiting is a waste of time. I hope Master Xiao doesn't mind."

   "How could I mind, I have to learn a lot from Jiye, and try not to waste time."

   "Master Xiao, you are joking. My habit of pinching points is not a good habit. It is easy to be misunderstood. Master Xiao just misunderstood."

   "Why don't I know that I misunderstood Master Ji?"

   "Maybe I misunderstood Master Xiao, I apologize to Master Xiao, let's talk about food next."

   "Did you bring the money?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Xu Ji after hearing Xu Ji's words.

   "Bring it." After Xu Ji finished speaking, he asked someone to give the money to Lu Xiaoxiao.

After Lu Xiaoxiao took the money, she counted it, and seeing that the amount was correct, she pointed to the place where she hid the grain with her finger, and then said to Xu Ji: "The grain is there, ask someone to weigh it, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

  Xu Ji nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he asked someone to weigh the food.

   After a while, the food was weighed. Seeing that the amount of food was correct, Xu Ji asked Lu Xiaoxiao to leave.

  After returning home, Lu Xiaoxiao poured out the money Xu Ji gave her from the cloth bag, and then she looked at the 3,000 yuan piled up on the coffee table, and decided to go shopping in the department store tomorrow.

  Although there is nothing to buy in department stores in this era, but she has made such a large amount of money, if she doesn't buy something, she always feels uncomfortable.

  So tomorrow, no matter whether she buys something or not, she will go to the department store for a walk.

The next morning, after Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, she went out with a small bag on her back. As soon as she reached the alley, she ran into Chen Zhenzhen who came back from shopping, so she greeted Chen Zhenzhen and said, "Aunt Chen, it's so early! Back from grocery shopping."

   "Yeah, it's not because I'm afraid that you won't be able to buy vegetable leaves if you go late. If you go to buy vegetables in the future, you should go earlier, otherwise you won't be able to buy anything."

   "I see, thank you, Aunt Chen."

   "Where are you going with your bag?" Chen Zhenzhen asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was carrying a bag.

   "I'm planning to go to the department store. Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? I want to go to the department store to see if there is anything I want to buy."

   "Wait for me, I also want to go to the department store."

   "Okay, I'll wait for Aunt Chen here."

   "I'll be back soon." After Chen Zhenzhen finished speaking, she ran towards the house.

   Thank you for your little cute tip, I love you



  (end of this chapter)

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