Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2276: live at my house (1)

  Chapter 2276 Live in my house (1)

Mrs. Liu didn't persuade Lu Xiaoxiao to eat chicken legs after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said. She understood Lu Xiaoxiao's temper somewhat, so she picked up Lu Xiaoxiao's bowl and filled Lu Xiaoxiao with a bowl full of chicken soup. .

  Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the bowl full of chicken soup in front of her, and she changed to Liu and said, "Thank you, Aunt Liu."

   "You're welcome, eat it quickly, it will turn oily when it's cold."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao chatted with Liu Ermei's family at Liu Ermei's house for a while, and then she and Liu Ermei went out to the school together.

   "Xiaoxiao, are you free tomorrow?" Second Sister Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I'm free, what's the matter?"

   "I want to go to the black market, can you go with me tomorrow?"

   "Okay, but what are you going to buy on the black market?"

   "New Year's goods."

   "Is there nothing you want to buy in the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores?"

   "Yes, but my family doesn't have a ticket, so I can only buy it on the black market, and I think the things on the black market are better than those in supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores."

   "Second sister, there is something I want to tell you in advance."

"What's up?"

   "As Chinese New Year approaches, the prices of things sold in the black market will be higher than usual. Are you sure you want to go?"


   "Well, you go back to the county with me today, and then stay at my house for one night, and I will accompany you to the black market tomorrow morning."

   "Xiaoxiao, I'd better go to your house to find you tomorrow, it's too much trouble for you to stay at your house."

   "No, my house has many rooms."

   "Well, I will go to live in your house today. I have never lived in such a nice house."

   "I'll wait for you at the school gate after I get my grades."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the classroom, she saw Ge Yan sitting on the podium with a bad complexion. She thought to herself that she might have written the wrong answer, otherwise why would Ge Yan's complexion be so bad.

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, come here." Ge Yan called to Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing Ge Yan's cry, Lu Xiaoxiao turned around and walked towards Ge Yan boldly.

   "Teacher Ge, what do you want from me?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Ge Yan when she came to Ge Yan.

   "This is your test paper, please take a look." After Ge Yan finished speaking, she handed Lu Xiaoxiao's test paper to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the test paper Ge Yan handed her, she looked at the scores on the test paper and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   It seems that Ge Yan is not in a bad mood because of her score.

   "Ms. Ge, I finished reading the test paper."

   "Go back after reading it."

   "Isn't there a class meeting?"

   "You don't need to drive, go home early."

   "Oh, then I will leave first, goodbye teacher."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the classroom, she heard the sound of Ge Yan slapping the table behind her. At this moment, she understood why Ge Yan looked so ugly. The feeling was that other people in the class had poor test scores.

Out of the desire to see a good show, she turned her head and took a look inside the class, and saw that all the students in the class were frightened by Ge Yan's action of slapping the table and all lowered their heads. He walked back towards the school gate.

  After Liu Ermei received the report card and finished the class meeting, she immediately ran towards the school gate with it.

  When she came to the school gate, she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was already waiting for her at the school gate, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, why are you faster than me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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