Chapter 2299 Little Sun Heater

  The next morning when Lu Xiaoxiao woke up, she felt that the temperature in the room was much lower than yesterday, so she quickly got up from the bed, put on her down jacket and went downstairs to burn the stove.

  After she finished heating the stove, she rubbed her hands vigorously. This **** weather is really freezing people to death, and why can't this stove burn for twelve hours?

   It goes off every time in the middle of the night, which makes her feel like she is in an ice cellar when she wakes up and gets out of bed every day, almost freezing her to death.

   After the temperature in the room rose, Lu Xiaoxiao took off the down jacket she was wearing, and went upstairs to wash up.

  While washing, she was thinking about the heating in the space in her mind. She didn't think about electrical appliances such as air conditioners, because they couldn't be used at all.

  As for the heater, forgive her for not having it in the space.

  After much deliberation, Lu Xiaoxiao finally reminded her of something that she could use, and that was the little sun.

  She remembered that when she was hoarding supplies in Zhejiang Province, she bought a lot of things in the small commodity market, and those things she bought were all small solar heaters.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao washed her hands and dried her hands, she immediately took out a small solar heater from the space.

   She looked at the poorly made heater in her hand, and frowned slightly.

   It's not that she dislikes the poor workmanship of the heater, but that the heater is an electrical appliance, and if it is not good, it will easily cause safety hazards.

  After staring at the heater and thinking twice, Lu Xiaoxiao decided to try to see if there was any quality problem with the heater. If there was no quality problem with the heater, she would turn on the heater every day when she got up.

As for using a heater while sleeping, she has not considered it at all. Leaving aside the issue of whether the heater can be used for a long time, she said that if the heater shines on the quilt for a long time, it will cause the quilt to catch fire. with a heater.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao plugged the heater into the socket, she turned on the heater, and then her eyes were flashed by the golden light.

  So she immediately turned her head to look aside, lest her eyes be blinded by the golden light.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that there was no problem with the heater, so she unplugged the heater.

  Since there is no quality problem with the heater, she decides to use the heater from tomorrow.

   But she can only use this heater in the room, otherwise it would be bad if someone finds out.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put away the heater, she went downstairs to have breakfast.

  After breakfast, Lu Xiaoxiao opened the curtains of the living room, and saw heavy snow falling outside the house. She said why the temperature was so low today, it turned out that it was snowing heavily.


  After Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the snow for a while, she heard a knock on the door, so she put on the down jacket, put on the hat on the down jacket, and went to the yard to open the door.

   "Master Xiao, let me in first, I'm dying of cold." Chen Guang said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door.

  After hearing Chen Guang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately turned sideways to make way for Chen Guang. When Chen Guang entered the yard, she closed the courtyard door and walked towards the house.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the house, she saw Chen Guang sitting on the sofa rubbing her hands vigorously, so she went to the kitchen to pour water for Chen Guang.

   After Chen Guang drank the water that Lu Xiaoxiao poured for him, he felt as if he had come back to life, feeling extremely comfortable from the inside out.

  (end of this chapter)

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