Chapter 2304 I met someone

   "That's right, he is the one who wants me to die the most." Chen Guang gritted his teeth.

   "Let's go." Lu Xiaoxiao stood up after finishing speaking.

   "Where to?"

   "Didn't you ask me to follow Chen Kai with you? Have you changed your mind and stopped following Chen Kai?"

   "How is it possible, I haven't figured out the purpose of his coming to Harbin, how could I give up following him."

   "Chen Kai is in Harbin?"

   "Yeah, what's the problem?"

   "No problem, but I have to go home."


   "The stove in my house is still burning. I have to go home and put it out, and then check whether the doors and windows are closed tightly."

   "Okay, I'll wait for you at the alley of your house."


After Lu Xiaoxiao got home, she immediately turned off the stove at home, and then she went upstairs to check the windows, and saw that all the upstairs windows were closed tightly, so she closed all the curtains, and then put her and The door of Zhang Xu's room was locked.

  After checking the second floor, she returned to the first floor. After she finished checking the doors and windows on the first floor, she walked out of the house with her bag on her back.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the entrance of the alley, she saw Chen Guang leaning against the car door, so she said to Chen Guang, "You can go."


   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Chen Guang arrived in Harbin. After arriving in Harbin, they did not follow Chen Kai immediately, but went to the state-run hotel to get a room.

  After they opened the room, they began to discuss how to follow Chen Kai. After they discussed the specific plan, it was already time for lunch, so they went out to the state-run restaurant for dinner.

   "Wait a minute, I saw Chen Kai." Chen Guang said to Lu Xiaoxiao when he came to the entrance of the state-run hotel.


   "Eating in a state-run restaurant."


   "Let's leave first and come back for dinner later."

   "No, let's go in and eat now."

   "No, if Chen Kai sees me, he won't let me go."

   "Don't worry, he won't see you."


   "Did you forget what I did to you when I went out?"

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Guang realized that his face had been disguised, so he reached out and touched the beard sticking to his mouth, and then pulled Lu Xiaoxiao into the state-run hotel with big strides.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the state-run hotel, she glanced around the state-run hotel, and saw a person who looked three points similar to Chen Guang. Don't guess that person must be Chen Guang's half-brother, Chen Kai.

To be honest, she thinks that Chen Kai looks better than Chen Guang, but Chen Kai has a pair of mouse eyes that are always rolling around, which greatly lowers his appearance. The light difference is too much.

   "Master Xiao, what do you eat?" Chen Guang asked Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing there in a daze, not buying food.

  Lu Xiaoxiao came to her senses after hearing Chen Guang's words, and then she said to the waiter, "Give me a bowl of egg and shredded pork noodles."

   After Chen Guang helped Lu Xiaoxiao pay the money and tickets, he dragged Lu Xiaoxiao to sit on the table behind Chen Kai so that he could stare at Chen Kai.

   "Chen Kai is more thoughtful than you." Lu Xiaoxiao whispered to Chen Guang.

   "I admit this, otherwise I wouldn't have been tricked by him to the point where I couldn't return home."

   "Is your stepmother more powerful than Chen Kai?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Chen Guang.

  (end of this chapter)

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