Chapter 2310 Finalize the plan

  After Chen Guang returned to the state-run hotel, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I have already asked the people in Beijing to do it. Chen Kai should be able to receive the news in the afternoon."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Chen Guang's words, and then said to Chen Guang: "You and I will go to Chen Kai's house to watch in the afternoon. Since Chen Kai can receive the news in the afternoon, then Chen Kai will definitely have something to do after receiving the news. action."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao packed up her things and went out with Chen Guang towards Chen Kai's house.

  When they came to behind a tree near Chen Kai's house, they happened to see Chen Kai getting off a jeep.

  At this moment, Chen Kai's complexion is particularly ugly, as if he wants to eat people, it's very scary.

   "It seems that Chen Kai already knows what happened to your people."

   "It's the first time I've seen Chen Kai's distorted face when he was angry. He used to keep smiling in front of me no matter how angry he was. I thought he had a facial muscle problem and only had one expression."

   "Hehe... It's not that he has a problem with his facial muscles, but that he has a deep scheming mind. You are far worse than him."

   "I don't want to compare with him, his mind is bad."

   "That's true."

   "He has entered the yard, what should we do next?" Chen Guang asked Lu Xiaoxiao after seeing Chen Kai enter the yard.

   "Go to the backyard."


   When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the backyard, she gave Chen Guang a look, then turned over and entered the yard.

  When Chen Guang watched Lu Xiaoxiao's disappearing figure quickly, he secretly decided in his heart that when this matter was over, he was going to learn ancient martial arts, and he couldn't hold back Lu Xiaoxiao too much.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Chen Guang went to learn the most hated Gu Wu because of her. At this moment, she was cats under the window.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao returned on the original road, and then she said to Chen Guang who was squatting in the corner: "Can you get a car to use?"


   "Then you go get a car now, I'll go back to the state-run hotel first."

   "Do you know their next plan?"


   "Then I'm going to get a car. Be careful when you go back."


  After Chen Guang left, Lu Xiaoxiao dived into the yard again, then touched the kitchen and poured a pack of medicinal powder into the water tank in the kitchen before leaving Chen Kai's house.

  After returning to the state-run hotel, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed and drank milk tea while thinking about the evening plan, how to transport the batch of things in Chen Kai's hand without anyone noticing.

  Lu Xiaoxiao pondered for nearly half an hour before finalizing the plan for the evening, so she began to prepare things for the evening.

   "Mom, since Xiaoxiao is not at home, let's go home first, and we will come back in a few days." Liu Ermei knocked on the door for several minutes and saw that Lu Xiaoxiao didn't come to answer the door, so she said to Liu.

   Mrs. Liu nodded after hearing what Liu Ermei said, and then she left with Liu Ermei.

   "Ah Hua, were those two knocking on the door of Xiaoxiao's house just now?" Chen Zhenzhen happened to meet Liu Ermei and her daughter on the way home after shopping, so she asked Zhang Aihua.

   "I don't know, I only saw them standing at the door of Xiaoxiao's house, but I didn't see them knocking on the door."

   "That may be my misreading, let's go home quickly, the weather is really too cold, if I don't just run out of things at home, I don't want to go out." Chen Zhenzhen sniffed her nose and said to Zhang Aihua.

   Zhang Aihua nodded after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, and then they rushed home quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

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