Chapter 2321 Shaking the Pot

After Chen Kai walked back and forth in the conference room for more than ten laps, he patted the table and said to Zhou Yuan: "You immediately ask our people to spread a message in the Beijing circle, saying that the reason why things disappear is because of Chen Guang. Deliberately revealing the news is to get revenge on me."

  Everyone in the meeting room except Zhou Yuan felt that the method Chen Kai had come up with was good after hearing what Chen Kai said. In this way, they only need to bear the responsibility for the unfavorable custody, and don't have to be responsible for the compensation for the batch of things.

  The reason why Zhou Yuan didn't think Chen Kai's idea was good like the people in the conference room was because he felt that Chen Kai was too cold-blooded and heartless.

   How can I say that Chen Guang is also his brother who is related by blood. Chen Kai is so **** Chen Guang that he treats Chen Guang as an enemy.

  If Chen Kai treats his own younger brother like this, what about those people who work beside Chen Kai? Is it not as good as a dog in Chen Kai's eyes?

   If one day Chen Kai encounters something that cannot be solved like today, will he push them out like Chen Guang as a scapegoat?

  Thinking that Zhou Yuan is like being in an ice cellar, it is extremely cold from the inside out.

  It seems that after returning to Beijing, he is going to visit his father and talk to him about whether such a Chen Kai is worth their continued follow.

   "Zhou Yuan, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and do something." Seeing Zhou Yuan standing there blankly, Chen Kai yelled at Zhou Yuan.

  When Zhou Yuan heard Chen Kai's roar, he immediately recovered from his thoughts, then turned and ran outside.

   After Zhou Yuan left, Chen Kai stretched out his hand and squeezed the space between his brows, and then said to everyone in the meeting room: "You guys leave first, I will let you know if there is something to do."

  Everyone in the meeting room stood up after hearing Chen Kai's words, and then walked quickly towards the meeting room.

  After Chen Guang finished making the phone call, he returned to the Guoying Hotel happily. Unfortunately, no one answered when he knocked on the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's room, which made him unable to share his joy with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the space. After she turned on the light in the room, she was going to go out to find Chen Guang.


  Chen Guang saw that the light in Lu Xiaoxiao's room was on, so he immediately reached out and knocked on the door.

   As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the room, she heard a knock on the door. She didn't need to guess to know that the person who knocked was Chen Guang, so she opened the door of the room.

   After Chen Guang opened the door of the room, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, what are you doing this afternoon? Why didn't you hear me knock on the door so many times?"


   "No wonder, I just said that if you hear the knock on the door, it is impossible not to open the door."

   "You came to see me for dinner?"


   "Then let's go."

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

   "I spread the news about Chen Kai's lost things as you said."


   "How do you think the people in Beijing will punish Chen Kai after they know that Chen Kai has lost his things?"

   "How can I be punished, isn't it just to make him lose the money."

   "Hey...losing money is only part of the penalty."

   "Looking at your happy look, is there a windfall?"


   "Speak, don't hold back."

   "Chen Kai's failure in this mission has affected his father. It is said that his father wants to sever ties with him."

   "Isn't Chen Kai's father your father? Are you sure it's okay to gloat like this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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