Chapter 2323 Yin back

   "This Chen Kai has a quick brain, no wonder you keep losing when you fight against him."

   "Master Xiao, who are you helping?" Chen Guang said after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Of course it's to help you, there's no need to ask."

   "Since you helped me, why do you still praise Chen Kai?"

   "I praise Chen Kai naturally because he has something worthy of my praise.

  Chen Guang, you have to remember that no matter who your enemy is, you have to face him squarely and understand him, so that you can deal with him handily.

   There is a saying that the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your enemy, do you understand what I mean? "

After Chen Guang heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he lowered his head and pondered for a while, then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I understand what you mean, I will get to know Chen Kai well in the future, and I won't beat him to death again Chen Kai."

   "As long as you can figure it out."

   "Master Xiao, Chen Guang, the monkey is still waiting for your call, why did you start chatting?" Zhang Di said to Lu Xiaoxiao and Chen Guang.

   "We are trying to find a way, why are you in a hurry."

   "I'm not in a hurry, I'm in a hurry for the monkey."

   Chen Guang stared at Zhang Di after hearing Zhang Di's words, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, do you have a way to deal with Chen Kai's tricks?"


   "What can you do quickly?"

   "However Chen Kai cheated on you, you can cheat on you."

  Chen Guang was stunned for a moment when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but he quickly came to his senses, then he clapped his hands excitedly, and went to make a phone call.

  When the monkey heard the phone ring, he immediately picked up the phone, and then said to Chen Guang, "You figured out a solution so quickly?"


"Say it."

   "You sent people to Beijing to help me spread the news, saying that Chen Kai framed his half-brother in order to embezzle those things."

   "It's high, it's really high, this move can kill people without blood, Chen Kai can't tell if he is suffering this time."

   "What I want is this effect, who told him to **** me behind my back."

   "You didn't come up with this method, did you? You can't think of such a wonderful method with your brain."

   "I really didn't come up with it, Master Xiao helped me think it up."

   "Fortunately, you brought Lord Xiao to Harbin this time, otherwise you might be killed this time."


   "I'm going to help you with your work."

   "Thank you, I will treat you to a drink when I return to Beijing."


   After Chen Guang hung up the phone, he said to Henry Zhang and the others: "Thank you for today, and when I come to Harbin next time, I will invite you to drink."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the state-run hotel, she checked the time and it was almost eight o'clock, so she said to Chen Guang: "It's getting late, I'm going to sleep, wake me up early tomorrow."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the room, she closed the curtains, went into the space to take a shower and go to sleep.

  The next morning at 6:30 in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao was woken up by a knock on the door. She yelled out the door and got up, dressed and washed.

  After she washed up, she began to pack her things, and when she finished packing, she carried her bag and walked out of the house.

   "Master Xiao, I bought a ticket for eight o'clock. It's just right for us to take the bus after breakfast." Chen Guang said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the house.

   "Do you want to make a phone call first?"

   "I've already hit it."

"How's it going?"

   "Most people in the Beijing circle believe that Chen Kai framed me, but there are still a small number of people who don't believe it."

  (end of this chapter)

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