Chapter 2325 Egg and cabbage noodles

   When Second Sister Liu came to the kitchen, she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was lighting the fire, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "You wash seven or eight pieces of cabbage for me, and I will use it for noodles later."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao lit the fire, she found a relatively large pot and put it on top of the stove, then filled half a pot of water into the pot, and then covered the pot.

   "Xiaoxiao, I've washed the cabbage, is there anything else I can do?"

   "You cut the cabbage smaller."


  After seven or eight minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the water in the pot was boiling, so she took out a pack of dried noodles from the cupboard, and started to serve noodles.

  After the noodles were cooked, she took out the noodles and put them into three bowls, and then started to cook the egg and cabbage soup.

  After the egg and cabbage soup was cooked, she poured the egg and cabbage soup into the three bowls of noodles, so that the cabbage and egg noodles were ready.

   "Second Sister, go ask Aunt Liu to eat." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Second Sister Liu.

   "I'll help you bring the noodles to the living room."

   "No, I have this, and I can bring the noodles to the living room at once." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she patted the dinner plate in her hand.

   "Well, be careful, the freshly cooked noodles are very hot."

   "I see, don't worry."

When Second Sister Liu came to the living room, she saw Mrs. Liu fell asleep leaning on the sofa, so she stepped forward and patted Mrs. Liu on the shoulder, and said to Mrs. Liu, "Mom, wake up, we can eat. "

  After hearing Liu Ermei's words, Mrs. Liu stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, then sat up straight and said to Liu Ermei: "It will be all right soon."


   "Let's go, don't let Xiaoxiao wait for us." After Liu finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards the dining table.

  As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao put the noodles on the table, she saw Mrs. Liu walking towards her, so she said to Mrs. Liu, "Aunt Liu, come and sit down."

   Mrs. Liu said hello after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and found a seat to sit down.

   "Xiaoxiao, why do you still put eggs in the noodles when you cook them? You can just keep such a precious thing for yourself, why cook it for us." Liu looked at the egg and cabbage in front of her and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Aunt Liu, every time I go to your house for dinner, you cook so many delicious treats for me. It would be embarrassing for me to cook a few eggs for you when you come to my house. If you don't even eat eggs, next time I will I dare not invite you to my house for dinner."

  Second Sister Liu felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said made sense when she heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said. The relationship between their family and Lu Xiaoxiao was already close. If they pushed back and forth because of a little food, it would hurt their relationship.

  The relationship between people is based on relationships. This time, Lu Xiaoxiao invited them to eat delicious food. Next time they invite Lu Xiaoxiao to eat delicious food. There is no need to tell them every time.

   "Mom, don't talk so much, eat the noodles quickly, or the noodles will be mushy in a while, and it's late now, and we have to drive the ox cart later. If we don't eat quickly, we won't be able to catch up with the ox cart."

   Mrs. Liu heard Liu Ermei saying that she would miss the ox cart, and she couldn't care less, so she quickly picked up chopsticks and ate noodles.

  Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Mrs. Liu who was eating noodles, and then cast a dry and beautiful look at Second Sister Liu.

  After receiving Lu Xiaoxiao's gaze, Second Sister Liu smiled triumphantly, then sat down and picked up chopsticks to eat noodles.

  Suddenly, the sound of eating noodles was heard in the room.

  (end of this chapter)

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