Chapter 2330 Message deception

An hour and a half later, Lu Xiaoxiao entered the kitchen. After opening the lid of the pot, she inserted the pig's trotters with chopsticks. Seeing that the chopsticks could be easily inserted into the pig's trotters, she lifted the stainless steel bucket from the stove to the ground and put it on the ground. Then, put out the fire in the stove.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao extinguished the fire, she was not in a hurry to take out the lo-mei from the bucket, because if she wanted it to be delicious, she had to let the lo-mei soak in the soup for several hours, otherwise the lo-mei would not be tasty enough.

  At around 11:00 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao went into the kitchen and fished out a chicken from a stainless steel bucket, then chopped the chicken into small pieces with a knife.

  She tasted a piece of chicken breast and saw that the chicken breast tasted delicious, so she took out three clean large enamel pots from the space, and then took the lo mei out of the stainless steel bucket and put them in the three enamel pots.

  After she fished out all the stewed meat, she covered the lid of the stainless steel bucket, and then put the stainless steel bucket together with the marinade into the space warehouse. The next time she marinated things, she could take out the marinade and continue to use it.

  After putting away the marinade, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a bowl and picked some of her favorite food from the basin, then sealed the three enamel basins with safety film, and put the marinade in the three enamel basins into the space warehouse.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the living room with lo mei, she was about to take out the tablet and watch TV while eating lo mei, but just as she took out the tablet, she heard the phone ring, so she had to put the tablet on the sofa to answer the phone.

   "Hello, is this Lu Xiaoxiao?" Monkey asked after the call was connected.

   "It's me, what's the matter?"

   "Just now I received a call from the boss. He asked me to say sorry to you. He may not be able to come back to celebrate the New Year with you this year."

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt disappointed when she heard the monkey's words, but she quickly adjusted her mood, and then asked the monkey, "Is Zhang Xu okay?"

   "It's okay, the boss is fine now, otherwise he wouldn't call me."

   "Did Zhang Xu say when will he call you next time?"

   "No, but the boss said he would call me if he had the chance."

   "Next time Zhang Xu calls you, tell him to be safe, and don't forget what I said before he left."

   "I will convey your words to the boss verbatim."


"You're welcome."

   "It's okay, I'm hanging up the phone."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, she looked at the lo-mei on the table and lost her appetite at all, so she put the lo-mei into the space, and then brought the tablet into the space.

  After she entered the space, she found out the USB flash drive that stored the doomsday movie, then plugged the USB flash drive into the TV, and sat on the sofa to watch Dead Rising.

After Houzi hung up the phone, he looked at Zhang Xu who was sitting on the sofa not far away, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Boss, why are you so serious and let me lie to Lu Xiaoxiao? You don't know how afraid I was of Lu Xiaoxiao just now." Know I'm lying to her."

   "There are not so many reasons, what did she tell you just now?"

   "Lu Xiaoxiao asked me to tell you to be safe and don't forget what she said before you left."

"you can go now."

   "Boss, you are a typical example of crossing rivers and destroying bridges." Monkey said after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "Will you go?"

   "Let's go, I'll go right away, but I heard the disappointment in Lu Xiaoxiao's tone just now." After the monkey finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

   Zhang Xu looked at the back of the monkey leaving, he stretched out his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows, and then walked to the desk and sat down.

   Thank you Magic m for your daily rewards

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  (end of this chapter)

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