Chapter 2339 Delivering meat

  It was almost nine o'clock when Lu Xiaoxiao returned home. She went to the kitchen to light up the stove, then went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.

  The next morning, after Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, she took out a piece of lamb weighing two catties and venison weighing one catty from the space, and went out to Zhang Aihua's house.

  When she came to Zhang Aihua's house, she happened to meet Zhang Aihua going out, so she asked Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, where are you going?"

   "Go to collect the food stamps, isn't it the Chinese New Year soon, the street office informed us to go early to collect the food stamps for next month."

   "Why didn't I receive the message."

   "Were you not at home yesterday?"


   "Then it's normal that you didn't receive the news, because the street office notified you yesterday, so you couldn't have received the news if you weren't at home yesterday."

   "Then wait for me, I will go home to get the food book, and then I will go to collect the food stamp with you."


   "By the way, this mutton and venison are for your family, you can quickly take them into the house." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out the mutton and venison from the basket and handed them to Zhang Aihua.

Zhang Aihua looked at the mutton and venison in Lu Xiaoxiao's hand. Instead of reaching out to pick it up, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, where did you get the mutton and venison? These two kinds of meat It is harder to buy than pork."

   "I can't tell you where I got it, but the meat is definitely from the right place, so you can eat it with confidence."

"That was not what I meant."

"I know, I still have a lot of meat at home. If it wasn't for the abundance of meat, I wouldn't be able to deliver it to your house. You can go back to the house. I'm going home to get the food book." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking He turned around and walked home.

  Zhang Aihua looked at the back of Lu Xiaoxiao leaving, then looked at the meat in her hand, she sighed and walked towards the house.

   "Ah Hua, did you bring back the food stamps so quickly?" Chen Zhenzhen asked Zhang Aihua when she saw Zhang Aihua enter the main room.

   "How could it be so fast, I came back before I even left the door."

   "What's wrong? What happened?"

   "Nothing happened, just when I opened the door of the yard, I met Xiaoxiao. This is the mutton and venison that Xiaoxiao gave to our family." After Zhang Aihua finished speaking, she handed the meat in her hand to Chen Zhenzhen.

After Chen Zhenzhen took the meat that Zhang Aihua handed her, she immediately took out a piece of greased paper from the cabinet, then wrapped the meat and handed it to Zhang Aihua, saying: "Ah Hua, our family can't accept this meat, please send it back to Xiaoxiao .”

   "Mom, you can accept the meat. This is Xiaoxiao's wish. If you feel bad, you can make a set of pajamas for Xiaoxiao. Anyway, you still have a lot of cotton cloth left."

   "Ah Zhen, Ah Hua is right, this is Xiao Xiao's child's wish, we can't refuse, you can make a set of pajamas for Xiao Xiao in return."

   Chen Zhenzhen thought about it after hearing what Zhang Aihua and Qian Juhua said, and then she agreed to accept the meat.

   "Mom, Xiaoxiao and I made an appointment to collect food stamps together, and I'm going to wait for Xiaoxiao at the door."

   "Go, help Xiaoxiao for a while, don't let Xiaoxiao be bullied."


  When Zhang Aihua came to the gate of the courtyard, she happened to see Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards her, so she walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao quickly.

   "Xiaoxiao, you must follow me when you arrive at the sub-district office, otherwise some people will jump in front of you when they see your face." Zhang Aihua said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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