Chapter 2342 I won't go (2)

  When Zhang Aihua was about to get home, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with a tangled face and asked, "Xiaoxiao, is everything you just said true?"

   "Do you think what I said is true or false?"

"I don't know, although I know you are not such a scary person, but when you said those words, your expression was so serious, it didn't look like you were telling lies, so I don't know whether what you said is true or not. Fake."

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Aihua's frown could almost pinch a mosquito to death, so she said to Zhang Aihua: "What I just said is all false, just to scare Mrs. Zhao, so that Mrs. Zhao will not Dare to trouble us."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Aihua immediately looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with admiration, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, you are really amazing, you can even think of this way."


"What's okay, you are really good, I will tell my mother how you deal with Mrs. Zhao when I get home, so that my mother can use your method to deal with people like Mrs. Zhao in the future. "

   "Hehe..." Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, so she had to hehe twice.

   "By the way, go to bed after lunch when you get home, or you won't be able to get up at night."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Aihua in doubt: "Why do I have to get up at night?"

   "Of course it is to buy food. There are more people shopping at the supply and marketing cooperatives than usual a few days before the Chinese New Year. If we don't queue up in the middle of the night, we won't be able to buy anything."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao thought about what happened last time when she bought food, so she said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, I won't go shopping with you this time. My family has enough food."

   "How about that, food stamps will expire this month, not next month, you have to queue up with me to buy food tonight."

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Aihua's non-negotiable look, she sighed lightly, and then asked Zhang Aihua, "What time do you leave at night?"

   "Twelve o'clock."

   "I see, I will wait for you at the door of my house on time at twelve o'clock in the evening."

   "Then we have a deal, you remember not to oversleep at night."

   "Got it, your house is here, go in quickly."


   After Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, Zhang Aihua continued to walk forward.

   "I'm back, why didn't Xiaoxiao come to eat at home?" Chen Zhenzhen asked Zhang Aihua when she saw Zhang Aihua.

   "I forgot, just now I was so focused on telling Xiaoxiao to go buy food together at night, I forgot to let Xiaoxiao come to our house for dinner.

  How about I call Xiaoxiao back now. "

   "No need, since Xiaoxiao has gone home, let's not bother her, and invite Xiaoxiao to come to my house for dinner in two days."

   "Well, that's the only way to go."

   "Hurry up and wash your hands, you can eat right away."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao got home, she checked that it was almost eleven o'clock, so she took off her down jacket and went to the kitchen to cook lunch.

  After lunch, she took out a book recording medicinal materials from the space, and then sat on the sofa to read.

Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her eyelids could no longer hold up, so she stood up and flattened the pillows on the sofa, then took out a ten-jin quilt from the space warehouse, and lay down on the sofa to sleep up.

  (end of this chapter)

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