Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2349: Back to Sweetwater Village with a high profile

  Chapter 2349 High-profile return to Tianshui Village

   "Not yet. Tomorrow, I need to give Grand Master another acupuncture, so that all the blood in Master's brain will melt away."

"Okay, that's really great. When Mr. Fan wakes up, I must ask Mr. Fan who made him look like this. Although our identities can't do anything now, as long as we have a brain, we can think about it." It is not difficult to get rid of those who harmed Mr. Fan."

   "Second Master, I already know who the person who harmed Master is, but how to deal with that person is still up to Master to make his own decision.

   But I will not let that person have a good life during the period before the master makes his decision. "

  Foreman Xie agreed with Lu Xiaoxiao's actions after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but at the same time he felt particularly surprised. He didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would find out the person who harmed Mr. Fan so quickly.

  It seems that Lu Xiaoxiao has planted eyeliner in the village, otherwise it would be impossible to find out the results so quickly.

  Thinking of this, Foreman Xie couldn't help sighing in his heart that Lu Xiaoxiao really deserves to be the apprentice taught by the four of them, and his behavior style is exactly the same as the four of them.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Foreman Xie was silent for a long time, so she asked Foreman Xie, "Second Master, do you have any objections to my actions?"


   "Then why didn't you speak for a long time?"

   "I didn't stop talking, I just lamented in my heart that you have grown up, and you have become more and more organized in handling things. It won't be long before you can become a teacher."

Lu Xiaoxiao glared at Foreman Xie after hearing what Foreman Xie said, and then said to Foreman Xie: "Second Master, I have only learned a little bit from you now, and I am still far away from being a teacher, so don't say such things in the future Otherwise, I will ignore you."

   "Okay, okay, I won't talk about it in the future, you just stay with us old men for the rest of your life."

"My pleasure."

   "You are willing, but I am afraid that your future husband will not be happy."

   "Second Master, what nonsense are you talking about?" Lu Xiaoxiao stomped her feet in embarrassment and thanked the foreman.

Foreman Xie couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao's appearance, but when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao's darker and darker face, he immediately put back the smile, but the smile in his eyes I can't afford it no matter what.

  Seeing Foreman Xie holding back his smile, Lu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Foreman Xie would be angry because of holding back his smile, so he said to Foreman Xie, "Second Master, you can laugh if you want to, don't hold back."

  Foreman Xie couldn't bear it anymore when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and he burst out laughing. Fortunately, this ward is a single room, otherwise Foreman Xie would definitely be regarded as crazy.

Lu Xiaoxiao waited for Mr. Xie to laugh enough, and she said to Mr. Xie: "Second Master, I have something to do, so I won't come to bring you lunch at noon. Here are money and food stamps. You will arrive at the hospital at noon. Go to the cafeteria to eat, and I will bring you dinner tonight."


  Lu Xiaoxiao did not go home after leaving the hospital, but found a place where no one was around, took out the bicycle, then got on the bicycle and rode towards Tianshui Village.

  When she arrived at the entrance of Tianshui Village, she didn't put the bicycle into the space, but pushed the bicycle directly towards the captain's house.

  When she came to the captain’s house, she saw Aunt Caihua sweeping snow in the yard, so she asked Aunt Caihua, “Is the captain at home?”

  Aunt Caihua looked at Lu Xiaoxiao complicatedly after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then said, "Not here."

  (end of this chapter)

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