Chapter 2356 You figure it out

   "Can you leave the hospital so soon?"


   "Thank you doctor."

   "You're welcome, I have to see other patients, so I'll leave first."


  Foreman Xie said to Mr. Fan after the doctor left, "Thanks to Xiao girl this time, otherwise you would be a vegetable."

  After hearing Mr. Xie's words, Mr. Fan said thank you to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then he asked Mr. Xie, "Why did I come to the hospital?"

   "You won't break your brain, will you? You even forgot why you came to the hospital?"

   "I'm a little confused, I can't remember it for a while."

   "Girl Xiao, come and show Mr. Fan, he seems to have lost his memory."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Mr. Xie's words, and then she walked to the bedside to feel the pulse of Mr. Fan.

   "How is it? Did Mr. Fan suffer from any sequelae?" Foreman Xie asked after Lu Xiaoxiao gave Mr. Fan his pulse.

   "Master's health is fine, and there are no sequelae from the fall."

   "Then why did Mr. Fan forget why he came to the hospital?"

   "It may be that the congestion has just dissipated, so there are some things that I can't remember for the time being."

   "So it is."

   "You two haven't told me why I'm in the hospital?" Fan Lao thanked the foreman and Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao heard Fan Lao's words and said to Fan Lao: "Master, you were pushed to the ground, and you were sent to the hospital because your head was bleeding."

   "Who pushed me?"

   "Wu Jiajia."

   "Impossible, even if Wu Jiajia doesn't like me, she won't push me."

   "Why is it impossible? Xiaoxiao has found out that it was you who Wu Jiajia recommended. If you don't believe me, I can ask Xiaoxiao to show you the evidence."

  Once Mr. Fan believed Lu Xiaoxiao's words after hearing Mr. Xie's words, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiao girl, do you really have evidence to prove that Wu Jiajia recommended me?"


   "I didn't expect it... I really didn't expect it... I originally thought that Wu Jiajia was just thoughtful and didn't have any bad intentions, but I didn't expect her character to be so bad. It seems that the Wu family is really at an end."

   "What are you going to do with Wu Jiajia?" Foreman Xie asked Mr. Fan seriously.

   "I haven't thought about it yet, but to be honest, I don't want to deal with her myself."

   "Then let Xiaoxiao handle it."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Mr. Xie's words, and then said: "Master, Wu Jiajia, leave it to me."

   "Is this...isn't that good?"

   "There's nothing wrong with it. I just need to hand over the evidence that Wu Jiajia harmed you to the bureau, and someone will take care of Wu Jiajia."

   "Will this be too cruel? Wu Jiajia is still a little girl after all."

"Master, I know that you intend to let Wu Jiajia go for the sake of Wu Jiajia's elders, but Wu Jiajia is a vengeful, sinister and vicious person. If you let her go this time, then she will definitely deal with you even harder. It's something I don't want to see."

  Old Fan sighed deeply after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Just do as you say, and come as you want."

   "Okay, then I will deal with Wu Jiajia's matter now, so as not to have long nights and dreams."


After Lu Xiaoxiao left, Foreman Xie said to Mr. Fan: "Mr. Fan, what you said just now was too hurtful. Little girl is only for your own good, but you said something that hurt her. Aren't you afraid that little girl will be sad?" ?"

  (end of this chapter)

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