Chapter 2358 Borrower

   "Have you found out who is chasing you?"

   "Not yet, but there is a group of people who don't need to check and I know who they are."

   "Your half brother?"

   "Who else but him."

   "What are you going to do next?"

   "If you don't go out of the gate, you don't step out of the second door. Everything will be discussed after the New Year."

   "I became smarter this time. I thought you would take revenge directly."

   "I would like to, but I'm afraid I will cause trouble for my aunt, so I have to endure it until the end of the year."

   "You should be more careful in Haishi recently, I don't think those people will let you go so easily."

   "I don't go out anymore, what can they do, don't they dare to go to my aunt's house to do something?"

   "Not impossible."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Guang felt a chill down his back, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, don't scare me, I'm timid."

   "I didn't scare you, I just told the truth."

   "Then what do you think I should do next? How about I go back to Harbin?"

   "Do you think you have the ability to return to Harbin safely?"


   "That's it."

   "But where can I go if I don't go back to Harbin?"

   "Continue to stay at your aunt's house."

   "No, I can't bring danger to my aunt's house."

   "Then you'll just sit around and die."

   "Master Xiao, tell me what you need to do to help me."

  After hearing Chen Guang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao yelled at Chen Guang angrily: "Am I such a superficial person in your eyes?"

Chen Guang wanted to answer yes, but now he wanted to ask Lu Xiaoxiao, but he didn't dare to be tough with Lu Xiaoxiao, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I made a slip of the tongue just now, please don't take it to heart. ,"

   "I have already taken it to heart, remember to bring some good things back to honor me when I go back to Harbin, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

   "Master Xiao, don't worry, as long as you can let me live this year safely, I will definitely bring you many gifts."

   "That's more or less the same."

   "Now tell me what to do."

   "Call the monkey and ask him to send someone to protect you."

"that's all?"

   "What else do you want? It would be nice to have someone to protect you. If you think my idea is bad, you don't have to accept it."

   "I'll call Monkey now." Chen Guang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

  After he hung up the phone, he didn't call the monkey immediately. Instead, he thought about how to borrow someone from the monkey in his mind, and then picked up the phone and started dialing.

   "Hello, is it a monkey?" Chen Guang asked after the call was connected.


"then who are you?"

   "What do you think?"

   "Boss, you are the boss." Chen Guang said excitedly.

   "Do you have something to do with the monkey?"

   "I'm not looking for monkeys anymore, I'm looking for you."


   "I want to borrow someone."


   "I was hunted down by three groups of people, and I need someone to protect me."

   "You are not in Harbin." Zhang Xu said with certainty.

   "Yes... yes, I'm in Haishi now."

   "What are you doing in Haishi? Didn't I tell you not to leave Harbin easily? Why didn't you listen."

   "I didn't plan to come to Haishi at first, but my aunt kept asking me to go to Haishi for the New Year, so I had no choice but to come to Haishi."

   Zhang Xu frowned when he heard Chen Guang's words, and then said to Chen Guang, "I'll let the monkey arrange someone to protect you later."

   "Thank you, boss."

"Any thing else?"


   Zhang Xu hung up the phone after hearing what Chen Guang said, and then continued to deal with things.

  (end of this chapter)

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