Chapter 2370 Leaking

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao went to the kitchen to continue making the dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner. She didn't finish the dishes that needed to be cooked in the afternoon until after four o'clock in the afternoon.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao put the cooked dishes into the space, she took off the apron she was wearing, and then lay down on the sofa. She was really exhausted today.

  Tomorrow she can't do this for another day, otherwise she is afraid that people will be exhausted on New Year's Eve.

   Fortunately, all the big and complicated dishes have been prepared, and the remaining dishes are easy to cook, and it doesn't take much time. She will cook for half a day tomorrow, and the dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner are almost ready.

  Lu Xiaoxiao lay on the sofa for half an hour, and she planned to get up and go upstairs to take a shower, but just as she got up, she heard the phone ringing, so she had no choice but to answer it first.

   "Hello." Lu Xiaoxiao picked up the microphone and said.

   "Master Xiao, I am Chen Guang."

"I know."

"How did you know?"

   "Guess, what do you want from me? Tell me quickly."

   "I called you to tell you that the boss sent more than a dozen people to protect me. Now I am safe, you can rest assured."

   "Who did you just say sent someone to protect you?"

   "Boss, is there a problem?"

"no problem."


   "I'll hang up if I have something to do. I wish you a happy new year in advance."

   "I wish you too..." Chen Guang heard a beeping sound from the microphone halfway through his speech, so he swallowed the "Happy New Year" he was going to say back into his stomach.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, she immediately called Monkey. She wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Monkey's gourd. Obviously Zhang Xu came back, but told her that he hadn't.

   "Hello, who can I ask?" When the monkey heard the phone ringing, he picked up the phone and said.

   "I'm looking for Zhang Xu."

   "The boss is not here."

"you sure?"

   "It's... sure, I said before that the boss will not come back until after a year."



   "Can you contact Zhang Xu?"

   "Sometimes yes."

   "Then tell Zhang Xu for me: I hate others lying to me, and this is not the first time for him."

Monkey's expression changed immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. Just as he was about to explain to Zhang Xu, he heard a beeping sound from the microphone, so he immediately hung up the phone, and then walked out of the office. run.

   "Oh, it hurts me to death, what's the matter with you monkey, you don't look at the road when you walk." The gray cat said to the monkey while rubbing the shoulder that was hurt by the monkey.

  After hearing what the gray cat said, the monkey ignored what the gray cat said, but asked the gray cat, "Where is the boss?"

"I have no idea."

   "Come and find the boss with me, something big will happen if it's too late."

   "What's the big deal, tell me quickly."

   "Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know where the boss came back, she just called and asked me to help her pass the message to the boss."

  After hearing the monkey's words, the gray cat's face became as ugly as the monkey's. After thinking about it for a while, he probably knew where Lu Xiaoxiao knew about Zhang Xu's return.

  But now is not the time to settle accounts, the most important thing now is to find Zhang Xu, otherwise it will really be like the monkey said, something big will happen.

   "I'll go to the training ground to find someone, you go to the dormitory to find someone, if we can't find anyone, we will meet at the entrance of the cafeteria.

   If one of us finds Boss, take Boss directly to the office. " said the gray cat to the monkey.

   "Okay, I will do as you say."

  (end of this chapter)

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