Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2373: Make dumplings together (1)

  Chapter 2373 Make dumplings together (1)

"you sure?"


   "Then you have a good rest, I'm going home."

   "Wait a minute, you haven't told me what you came to do, why did you leave."

   "I'm here to ask you if you want to come to my house to make dumplings together. There are many people and strength is great, so the dumplings can be made faster."

   "When do you start making dumplings?"


   "Then I'll go to your house and pack together."

   "Can your body hold it?"

   "Of course I can hold on, I will go to your house after lunch."


After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the house, she took out a large piece of fat pork from the space, and went to Zhang Aihua's house to make dumplings this afternoon. The dumpling stuffing she made must not be too good, so she planned to make pork fat and cabbage stuffing Take it to Zhang Aihua's house to make dumplings.

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao made the lard residue and cabbage stuffing. Seeing that there were still about two hours before lunch, she planned to make more varieties of dumpling stuffing.

  Anyway, she has a meat grinder in her space, so it doesn’t take much effort to make a variety of dumpling fillings.

  The reason why it took more than an hour to make the lard dregs and cabbage stuffing was because it took too much time to boil the lard, but it took her less than 20 minutes to adjust the stuffing.

  It was past eleven o'clock at noon, and Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the six big pots of dumpling fillings in front of her. She nodded with satisfaction, and then she put all the fillings into the space except the lard residue and cabbage filling.

  After she collected the stuffing, she cleaned up the kitchen, took out a braised pork rice bowl from the space and ate it.

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao took out three catties of flour and noodles from the space. After reconciling the noodles, she went out to Zhang Aihua's house with dumpling stuffing and reconciled noodles.

  When she came to Zhang Aihua's house, she saw that the door of Zhang Aihua's house was slightly closed, so she pushed the door open and entered the yard without knocking.

  When Zhang Aihua heard noises coming from the yard, she knew it must be Lu Xiaoxiao, so she immediately put the dough in her hand on the table, and then got off the kang and ran out of the house.

  After she came out of the room, she saw that it was Xiaoxiao who came, so she immediately went up to Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, you are here, I will carry a basket for you."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't treat Zhang Aihua politely, and directly handed Zhang Aihua a lighter basket.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are here, hurry up and sit on the kang to warm your body." Chen Zhenzhen said to Lu Xiaoxiao after Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room.

   "Aunt Chen, I'm not cold. Besides, my house is so close to yours, it's not cold at all."

   "Okay then, take out the dumpling stuffing and flour, and make your dumplings first."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out the dumpling stuffing and dough from the basket.

  When Chen Zhenzhen saw the dough that Lu Xiaoxiao took out, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in surprise and said, "Xiaoxiao, can you still make dough?"

   "Yes, I have learned it specially."

  Chen Zhenzhen realized what Lu Xiaoxiao said before she realized that she seemed to have said something she shouldn't have said just now, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, Aunt Chen said something wrong just now, don't take it to heart."

   "Aunt Chen, actually you don't have to be so shy. I have long accepted the fact that my parents are not around, so it doesn't matter if you mention my parents."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, several people in the room felt sorry for Lu Xiaoxiao even more. At the same time, they decided in their hearts that they should take more care of Lu Xiaoxiao in the future and not let Lu Xiaoxiao be bullied.

  (end of this chapter)

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