Chapter 2380 Popcorn

   "What is spherical popcorn? How come I've never heard of it."

   "I don't know how to describe it to you, I'll get you some corn kernels, you can see for yourself."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao came to the kitchen, she took out half a catty of spherical popcorn kernels from the space, wrapped them in oiled paper, and walked towards the living room.

   "Open it and have a look." Lu Xiaoxiao handed the oiled paper bag to Zhang Aihua and said.

  After Zhang Aihua took the oiled paper bag that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, she opened the oiled paper bag, and then saw the corn kernels in the oiled paper bag.

   "Xiaoxiao, these corn kernels seem to be different from ours." Zhang Aihua picked up a corn kernel and looked at it, then said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "It's really different. Our corn kernels are used as a staple food, while the corn kernels in your hand are specially used to make spherical popcorn."

   Zhang Aihua couldn't help but gasped when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. She didn't expect that someone would use the land to grow this kind of corn that can't be eaten as a meal.

  She was very curious about where the people were so stupid, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, where did you buy your corn kernels?"


   "It turns out that these corn kernels are foreign products, so I said how can there be people in Huaguo who grow this kind of corn that can't be eaten as a meal."

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled after hearing Zhang Aihua's words, and then said to Zhang Aihua: "Eat more if you like, but I don't make much popcorn, so I can't bring you some home.

   When you go home later, take home half a catty of corn kernels and ask Aunt Chen to make them for you. "

   "Okay, but you have to tell me how to make spherical popcorn, otherwise I'm afraid I will waste half a catty of corn kernels."

"no problem."

  After Zhang Aihua ate the popcorn for a while, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, your house is still clean. My house is as noisy as going to the market."

   "Don't tell me that you came to my house to hide from the quiet."

   Zhang Aihua smiled guiltyly after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she quickly stuffed two popcorns into the bottom.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't understand what Zhang Aihua looked like, so she said to Zhang Aihua: "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Aihua quickly picked up the cup and took a sip of water. Just now, in order not to speak, she kept stuffing popcorn into her mouth, which almost choked her to death.

  After drinking the water, Zhang Aihua sighed comfortably, then she glanced at the clock on the wall, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, it's getting late, I'm going home."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao did not keep her, because today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it is not suitable to keep Zhang Aihua at home for dinner.

   "Ding Lingling...Ding Lingling..." Lu Xiaoxiao had just sent Zhang Aihua away when she heard the phone ring. Who will call her this New Year's Eve? Could it be that **** Chen Guang?

   "Master Xiao, Happy New Year." Chen Guang said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao picked up the phone.

   "Happy New Year, why do you have time to call me?"

   "How can I not be free, I am very free every day, if I am not afraid of disturbing you and the boss, I would have called you a long time ago."

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Chen Guang mentioning Zhang Xu, she felt bad instantly, so she asked Chen Guang, "Has no one attacked you recently?"

   "Yes, why not, but now there are people protecting me, so I am not afraid of them."

  (end of this chapter)

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