Chapter 2388 Ginger Soup

   "What **** soup are you okay to drink? Don't you hate the taste of **** the most?"

   "Grandma Qian, I made Ah Hua drink it. She had been waiting for me in the yard for so long. I was afraid that she would catch a cold, so I asked her to drink some **** soup to relieve the cold."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Qian Juhua immediately showed a grateful smile to Lu Xiaoxiao, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao is still thoughtful, if Ah Hua would not take the initiative to ask me for **** soup. "


   "Grandma, go and help me make **** soup, I seem to have a cold."

   "I'll go right away, you sit on the kang."


  After Qian Juhua went to the kitchen to make **** soup, Zhang Aihua dragged Lu Xiaoxiao to sit on the kang, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, do you have time tomorrow? I'll take you to school."

   "Why do you want to go to school?"

   "You haven't decided which school to go to, so I'm going to take you to two schools to see, so that you can make a better choice."

   "Can I enter the school before school starts?"

   "Others can't, but I can."

   "Then I will trouble you tomorrow."

"You're welcome."

   "This is the bacon and some pastries I made myself. Let's see where it's better to put them." Lu Xiaoxiao shook the bacon and pastries in her hand and said.

   "You came to my house as soon as you came, why did you bring something?"

   "I do it all by myself, and it doesn't cost much."

   "Then I won't be polite to you. You should eat more later, or you won't be able to get back your money."


  After Zhang Aihua took the things that Lu Xiaoxiao was carrying, she saw Qian Juhua walking towards her with **** soup, and her brows frowned instantly.

   "Ah Hua, the **** soup is ready, come and drink it quickly." Qian Juhua said to Zhang Aihua after putting the **** soup on the kang table.

   "Grandma, the freshly brewed **** soup is too hot, I'll drink it later."

   "Yes, but you must drink it, otherwise you will suffer if you catch a cold."


   "What are you carrying in your hand?" Qian Juhua asked when she saw that Zhang Aihua was carrying two things wrapped in oil paper.

   "Xiaoxiao gave our family bacon and pastries."

As soon as Qian Juhua heard Zhang Aihua say that the things she was carrying in her hand were given by Lu Xiaoxiao, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, it's good that you are here, why do you still bring things, so I won't dare Let you come to my house for dinner."

   "Grandma Qian, it's Chinese New Year now, that's why I brought gifts here. It's so festive. I also made those bacon and pastries by myself. They don't cost much, so you can take them with confidence."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Qian Juhua was too embarrassed to refuse Lu Xiaoxiao's gift, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "You should eat more when you eat later, or your food will be given away for nothing."


  After Qian Juhua left, Zhang Aihua sat back on the kang, and stared at Jiang Tang in front of her.

   "Ah Hua, the **** soup should be ready to drink, drink it quickly."

"hold on."


   "I will do an ideological struggle."

  The corner of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard Zhang Aihua's words. This was the first time she heard that drinking **** soup required mental struggle.

"I have sugar here to relieve the spicy taste. You put it in your mouth, and when you drink **** soup, the **** taste will not be so strong." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out a greased paper bag from her pocket and handed it to Zhang Aihua.

  (end of this chapter)

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