Chapter 2495 Dreams from childhood to adulthood

   "Ge Yu, I can tell you why I can hit the wooden barn every time, but you have to promise me one thing." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Ge Yu.

  Ge Yu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao in surprise after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he agreed without thinking.

Seeing that Ge Yu agreed so readily, Lu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and then she asked Ge Yu: "You didn't even listen to what I asked you to agree to, so you agreed directly, are you not afraid that I will cheat you? "

   "Don't be afraid, because I know you won't."

   " really think highly of me."

   "Of course, your Mu Cang method is so powerful, I naturally think highly of you."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard that Ge Yu's bull's head was wrong, she almost died of anger. After she silently recited dozens of sentences in her heart to stop getting angry, she looked at Ge Yu and said, "I want you to practice Mucang method, Do things by Zhang Xu's side."

   "The captain won't want me."

   "How do you know that Zhang Xu won't want you?"

   "Because I speak too straightforwardly, I never say what I think, so the captain will definitely not allow me to follow him."

   "You know yourself quite well, but I have a way to let you stay by Zhang Xu's side, it depends on whether you are worthy or not."

   "I cooperate, as long as I can work with the captain, I will do whatever you ask me to do."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction after hearing Ge Yu's words, and then she asked Ge Yu, "Will you be loyal to Zhang Xu?"


   "What guarantee do you have that you will?"

   "I swear by my Mu Cang law, if I betray the captain, I will never be able to fight Mu Cang for the rest of my life, let alone touch the gun."

   "Remember what you said today." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Ge Yu.

   After Ge Yu took the paper that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Why did you give me the paper?"

   "Look at what's written on the paper."

   "I don't know how to read."

   "If you don't know how to read, what kind of Mucang method are you learning? Don't you know that if you want to achieve perfect accuracy, you must have a certain learning foundation, otherwise you will not be able to calculate the impact of wind force, environment, etc. on Zigongdan."

  Ge Yu was stunned when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't expect to have so much knowledge about playing Mucang. No wonder the captain told him that he couldn't become Shenmu Cangshou. The original reason was here.

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, is there any way for me to learn the knowledge you mentioned? I don't want to miss the opportunity to become Shenmu Cangshou just because I don't have the foundation to learn."

  Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Ge Yu after hearing what Ge Yu said, and then said to Ge Yu: "Isn't there a literacy class in the base, you can go and listen."

   "I've heard it, but I can't listen to it, and I can't learn it."

   "Then you should give up as soon as possible."

  “I won’t give up, because becoming Mu Cangshou has been my dream since I was a child, and tomorrow I will go to a literacy class.”

  Lu Xiaoxiao was moved by Ge Yu after hearing Ge Yu's words. Although Ge Yu's personality is not very good and not likable, Ge Yu's persistent efforts for his dream are really touching.

   "I'll let Zhang Xu find someone to take you." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Ge Yu.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ge Yu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with bright eyes, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Thank you, thank you so much, I thought you would take revenge on me for what happened before, but I didn't expect You are so generous that you don't care about me, you are really a good person."

  (end of this chapter)

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