Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2501: Depart from Jiumingjiao

  Chapter 2501 Departure from Nine Darks

  Lu Xiaoxiao's expression froze when she heard Zhang Xu's words, and then she looked at Zhang Xu and said, "What did you just say? Say it again."

   "Aside from inquiring about news, nothing else can be done tonight."

   "How could you do this? Didn't we agree before that when Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen arrive in Beijing, we will kill them at Jiu Ming Sect."

   "I said that before, but Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen have something to hide from us. They have changed from being a helper to a variable. I can't bet our lives."

After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao began to reflect on herself, and after a while she said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, I was too impatient just now, fortunately you reminded me, otherwise my ending will definitely be miserable. "

   "It's good that you understand. When I'm not by your side in the future, you must think carefully before doing things, and you can't do things on your own will."

   "Understood, I will remember your words firmly." Lu Xiaoxiao patted her chest and promised.

   After Zhang Xu got the promise from the little girl, he finally felt at ease, because as long as the little girl promised, she would definitely do it.

   "You stay in the dormitory to rest obediently in the afternoon, and I will come to the dormitory to find you before leaving at night." Zhang Xu said after rubbing the little girl's hair.


  At 8:30 in the evening, when Lu Xiaoxiao heard the knock on the door, she immediately got up and went to open the door.

   "Are you ready?" Zhang Xu said to the little girl after she opened the dormitory door.

   "It's ready and ready to go."

   "Let's go then."


   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao stood at the foot of a mountain. She looked at the mountain whose altitude was so high that she couldn't see the top, and asked Zhang Xu, "Is the Jiuming Sect's old nest in this mountain?"


   "Do you know the exact location?"


   "The people of Jiuming Sect are really arrogant. Aren't they afraid that their old den will be bombarded?"

   "You shouldn't be afraid, because the place where they live is protected by a formation."

   "The formation is the formation that should be. One day I will conquer the formation and become a master of the formation, so that the formation will no longer be my constraint." Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "I believe you will succeed."

"Of course."

   "Let's go, let's go up the mountain."

   "Wait, didn't you say that the Jiuming Sect has a protective formation? If we go up the mountain like this, won't we touch the formation?"


   "Why not? Did Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen solve the formation?"


   "Then why?"

   "Because the protective array of the Nine Nether Sect is set up on the mountainside."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was very puzzled when she heard Zhang Xu's words. She didn't understand why the Jiuming Sect's formation did not start from the foot of the mountain, but from the middle of the mountain. It was so strange.

   "What are you thinking?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl, seeing the little girl's puzzled look.

   "I was wondering why the people of the Jiuming Sect didn't start at the foot of the mountain, but from the middle of the mountain."

   "Not capable enough."

   "Ah... what you said is true?"


"How did you know?"

   "It's in the book you gave me."

"All right."

   "Don't think so much, let's go up the mountain first."


   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the middle of the mountain. She walked around and saw nothing strange, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, where is the formation? Why didn't I see it?"

   "Don't use your eyes to see, use your mental power to perceive."

  (end of this chapter)

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