Chapter 2510 Study Time

  When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Zhang Xu's words, she felt that what Zhang Xu said made sense, so she nodded, and then said to Zhang Xu: "From tomorrow on, you will teach me how to use mental power to break through formations."

   "Aren't you learning formations with Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen?"

   "How is it possible, I am not the kind of person who gives up halfway."

   "Then how do you have time to study with me?"

  “Time is like a sponge, if you squeeze it, it will be enough. At worst, I will lose an hour of sleep every day.”

   "No, you are growing your body now, so you can't sleep less."

   "Then use the one hour of rest every day to study with you. Anyway, during the one hour of rest every day, I am either eating or sleeping."

"you sure?"

   "Of course I'm sure."

   "Okay, starting tomorrow I will teach you to use mental power to break through formations."

   "What do I need to prepare?"

   "There is no need to prepare anything, as long as you come."

   "Okay, I'm going back to the dormitory, you remember to come to my dormitory for lunch at noon."


After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the dormitory, she checked the time and it was only half past nine, so she went back to bed to catch up on sleep. The reason why she got up so early this morning was because she wanted to know if the man in black had broken into the room. Enter the array arranged by Zhang Xu.

   Now that she knows the result, she naturally wants to make up for the few hours she lost sleep last night.

  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the alarm clock ringing, she reached out to turn off the alarm clock, and got up to take a shower.

  After she finished washing, she heard a knock on the door. Without thinking about it, she knew that the person must be Zhang Xu, so she went to the door to open it.

  After the little girl opened the door, Zhang Xu saw the little girl's slightly messy hair, and he knew that the little girl had just woken up, so he said to the little girl, "I'll go to the cafeteria to buy food."

   "No, I've prepared the meals, please remember to close the door." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked into the dormitory.

After Zhang Xu entered the dormitory and closed the door of the dormitory, he saw the little girl continuously taking out vegetables from the Qiankun bag. He saw more and more vegetables on the table, and said to the little girl: "Enough is enough, if there is more, I will let you eat." I can't finish it."

   "It's okay, I will take back the Qiankun bag if I can't finish eating, I just want to eat more food at noon today."

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu didn't stop the little girl from taking the vegetables out of the Qiankun bag, but helped the little girl arrange the dishes together.

  After filling the table with dishes, Lu Xiaoxiao stopped taking the dishes out of the space, and said to Zhang Xu, "Sit down and eat."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to put the leftovers into the space, but before she could get there, she heard a knock on the door, so he asked Zhang Xu to open the door.

  After Zhang Xu opened the door, he saw the four monkeys standing at the door of the dormitory, so he asked them, "What are you doing here?"

   "Boss, the training assessment is over, we are here to report to you."

   "Go to the office and wait for me first." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he was about to close the door of the dormitory.

  But just as he closed the dormitory door halfway, he saw the monkey poking his head into the dormitory, and his face immediately turned dark.

   "Zhang Xu, let them in." Lu Xiaoxiao saw the monkey poking its head into the dormitory, so she knew what the monkey wanted to do, so she said to Zhang Xu.

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu looked at the smiling and flattering monkey, and he turned and went back to the dormitory.

   Monkey saw that Zhang Xu had entered the dormitory, he hurriedly opened the door of the dormitory, and walked towards the dormitory with Gray Cat and the others.

  (end of this chapter)

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