Chapter 2516 Past

   "It's almost time. Let's go to the conference room. Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen are probably waiting for us in the conference room." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and stood up and said to Zhang Xu.

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing the little girl's words, and then walked out of the dormitory with the little girl towards the meeting room.

  When they came to the conference room, they saw that Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen were already sitting in the conference room. No matter how early they came, Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen would always arrive at the conference room faster than them.

  If there is no such thing as a monitor now, she will think that Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen have installed a monitor on her body, otherwise how could Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen arrive at the meeting room earlier than her every time.

"Master Xiao, since you want to learn everything we know about formations before we leave, let's hurry up and study, otherwise you won't be able to learn those things before we leave." Ghost Nine After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down, she said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

After hearing Gui Jiu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately put away the indifferent expression on her face, then looked at Gui Jiu with a serious face and said: "I will do as you said, so you can follow your arrangement for the next time In class, you don’t need to think too much.”

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Gui Jiu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Originally, he thought that Lu Xiaoxiao would be unhappy when he heard his words, but he didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would cooperate with him so much, which made him feel sorry for Lu Xiaoxiao. Xiao's senses improved a lot.

  At the same time, he secretly decided in his heart that he should teach Lu Xiaoxiao well about formations. As long as Lu Xiaoxiao can eat what he taught, he is willing to teach it all.

   More than two hours later, Lu Xiaoxiao stretched her waist, and then she said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen, "Thank you for your hard work."

   "It's not hard, it's much easier than the jobs we did before, and it can also consolidate what we learned before, which is also very beneficial to us."

   "What kind of work did you guys do before?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked curiously after hearing Gui Jiu's words.

   "Ahem... nothing, just some physical work."


   "Nothing really."

"I knew."

   "Do you believe what I say?" Gui Jiu asked Lu Xiaoxiao cautiously.

   "Believe it, if you ask me that, could it be that you lied to me?"

   "No, no, I didn't lie to you. What I used to do was really manual labor. If you don't believe me, ask Ghost Fourteen." After finishing speaking, Ghost Nine bumped Ghost Fourteen with his elbow a few times.

  Ghost Fourteen rolled his eyes secretly after Ghost Nine bumped into him a few times, he didn't know why Ghost Nine wanted to hide the work he did before from others.

  In his opinion, those jobs have nothing but a bad reputation.

But since Gui Jiu asked him to help conceal it, he would not tell those things, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, what Gui Jiu said is true. We are all hiding, and in order to survive, we have to find hard and tiring physical work to do.

   Otherwise, we, a group of gentlemen, might not be alive today. "

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Ghost Fourteen's words, she thought about what happened to Ghost Nine and fifteen people. She believed what Ghost Nine said, so she said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fourteen, "As long as I'm here, I won't let you Go back to the old days."

   "We know, we have known since the first day we followed Master Xiao."

  (end of this chapter)

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