Chapter 2520 Beast

   "Let's go, let's go in and have a look." Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Xu said to the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then she followed Zhang Xu and walked towards Yue's house.

   "Boss, everyone in the Yue family is under control. Wang Meng and Wang Kai are taking the gray cat to the basement." When the monkey saw Zhang Xu, he said to Zhang Xu.

   "Take me to the basement."

   "Boss, why don't you go to the basement after Gray Cat and the others bring him up? I heard from Wang Meng that the basement is a bit scary, let people see it..."

   "I repeat, take me to the basement."

   Monkey saw that Zhang Xu was showing off his power, so he didn't dare to say anything, so he led Zhang Xu towards the basement.

  When he came to the entrance of the basement, he stopped, and then looked at Zhang Xu hesitantly.

   "Just say what you want, don't look at me."

   "Boss, Master Xiao is a girl, so..."

   "It's okay, I can go down together." Lu Xiaoxiao said directly when she heard what the monkey said.

   "Don't go down first."


   "No reason, I'll go down and have a look first, and you will go down later."

"All right."

   "Monkey, you stay with Xiaoxiao up there."


  After Zhang Xu went down to the basement, Lu Xiaoxiao asked the monkey, "Monkey, did Wang Meng tell you about the situation in the basement?"


"What is it like?"

   "I can't tell you, it will scare you."

   "Hehe... Do you think I'm such an easily intimidated person with my guts?"

Monkey didn't let go when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because the situation in the basement was beyond human cognition. Even a man like him turned pale with fright after listening to Wang Meng's narration, let alone Lu Xiaoxiao. little girl.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the monkey still refused to tell her the situation in the basement, so she planned to come up with a roundabout policy, so she looked at the monkey and said, "Monkey, if you don't tell me the situation in the basement now, when I go down to the basement later, Seeing the situation in the basement, it wasn't that the shock was greater.

  If you tell me the situation in the basement now, let me have a clear idea, so that when I go down to the basement, the shock will not be so great. "

  Monkey thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said. He felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said made sense, so he told Lu Xiaoxiao what happened in the basement.

   "Bastard, what a beast, how could they do it." Lu Xiaoxiao said angrily after hearing what the monkey said.

"Master Xiao, don't be angry, you'll lose your health after a while." Monkey saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's body trembled in anger, he was afraid that Lu Xiaoxiao would be out of anger, so he hurriedly turned to Lu Xiaoxiao road.

   "How can I not be angry, when I think of those people using cruel means to kill innocent people, I wish I could kill them directly."

   Zhang Xu walked out of the basement just in time to hear the little girl's last words, so he asked the monkey: "What's wrong?"

  Hearing what Zhang Xu said, the monkey felt a chill down his spine, but he still bit the bullet and told Zhang Xu what happened just now.

   "Don't be angry, I won't let those people go." After hearing what the monkey said, Zhang Xu walked to the little girl and hugged the little girl in his arms.

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao let go of her clenched fist, and then she said to Zhang Xu in a low voice, "I want to go down to the basement."

   "Okay, I'll take you there."

  (end of this chapter)

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