Chapter 2529 Driver

   "Uncle Liu is the one who helps the Yue family drive? Will Uncle Liu be involved in the Yue family's affairs?"

   "No, your Uncle Liu is just a small driver in Yue's house. He usually helps to pick up and drop off some guests of Yue's family. He basically has no contact with people in Yue's family, so he will be fine."

  After hearing Meng Juan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help slandering in her heart: Aunt Juan, don't you know that the people who know the most secrets in this world are drivers and barbers, so Uncle Liu is not safe at all, and accidents may happen at any time.

   "Aunt Juan, do you think Uncle Liu will have the opportunity to hear some unknown secrets when picking up people?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Meng Juan.

  Meng Juan didn't pay much attention to Lu Xiaoxiao's words at first, but when a picture flashed in her mind, her heart couldn't help but feel cold.

"Xiao Xiao, I think I have something to go out for a while, so I can't entertain you for lunch at home today. I will invite you to have lunch at home when I am free some other day." Meng Juan said hurriedly to Lu Xiao Xiao said.

  Lu Xiaoxiao knew what Meng Juan was going to do when she heard Meng Juan's words, so she stood up and said to Meng Juan: "Aunt Juan, then I will go first."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left Meng Juan's house, she didn't continue to inquire about the news, but walked towards the bureau, because she had already inquired about useful information, so there was no need to waste any more time.

"My wife, how are you doing?" Meng Juan went out to look for Yang Liu after Lu Xiaoxiao left. It was also her luck that she saw Yang Liu as soon as she walked out of the steel factory building, so she hurried to Yang Liu asked.

   "It's done."

   "That's good, that's good."

   "What's wrong with you? You look restless?" Yang Liu asked Meng Juan when she saw that Meng Juan was in a daze.

   "This is not the place to talk, let's go home and talk."


  After Meng Juan returned home, she looked at the aisle and saw that there was no one in the aisle, so she closed the door, then went to the stool opposite Yang Liu and sat down, and said to Yang Liu: "My wife, maybe you have something to do this time?"

   "What happened to me? Why don't I know?"

   "Today I met a young man. He heard that you were working as a driver in Yue's family, so he asked me if you would hear many unknown secrets."

  Yang Liu drank water after hearing Meng Juan's words, and then asked Meng Juan, "Who is that young man you are talking about?"

   "Lu Xiaoxiao."

   "Where do you live?"

   "I don't know, I forgot to ask."

   "You... you, I don't even know what to say about you. I told you not to strike up a conversation with strangers. Why don't you listen."

   "I have heard, but this young man is different today. He looks very similar to his grandson, so I couldn't hold back for a while."

  After hearing Meng Juan's words, Yang Liu's anger disappeared immediately, and then he said to Meng Juan: "Don't do this again next time, I don't want to see what happened last time happen again."

   "I see, but Lu Xiaoxiao is really a good boy. If it weren't for his reminder, I would never have thought that your identity might bring you danger."

   "I will not be in danger, don't worry."

   "How can you make me feel at ease? When I think about what you told me last time, I can't feel at ease."

   "What I told you last time was that I overheard it, and no one discovered it, so you can rest assured."

  (end of this chapter)

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