Chapter 2531 A false alarm

   "Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance, I will give you another chance."

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Lu Xiaoxiao shrank her **** reflexively, and then she asked Zhang Xu: "If I told the truth, would you not spank my ass?"


"Then I'll tell you what happened between me and Aunt Juan right now." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she quickly got off Zhang Xu's lap, then sat across from Zhang Xu, and told about what happened between her and Meng Juan. The matter was told to Zhang Xu.

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu didn't know what to say. He never thought that the little girl would be so lucky, and she would solve the unresolved matter that they had been busy all day after leaving the door.

   "You said you wouldn't spank my ass." Seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't spoken for a long time, Lu Xiaoxiao stood up and said to Zhang Xu.

   "When did I say I was going to spank you?"

"" Lu Xiaoxiao recalled what happened just now, Zhang Xu didn't seem to have said that she was going to spank her buttocks, it was all her own imagination, so she didn't know what to say besides you at the moment What's up.

   "Are you hungry?" Seeing that the little girl was angry and embarrassed, Zhang Xu asked in a timely manner, because if he didn't speak again, the little girl might become angry from embarrassment.

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao touched her stomach subconsciously, not to mention that she was really a little hungry.

   "Let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

   "Where to eat?"



   After Zhang Xu brought the little girl to the cafeteria, he asked the little girl to find a seat and went to eat with the lunch box.

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Hou Zi saw Lu Xiaoxiao as soon as he entered the cafeteria, so he went to sit down opposite Lu Xiaoxiao, and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Why can't I be here?"

   "That's not what I meant. I heard the gray cat say that you went shopping, so I was surprised to see you in the cafeteria."

   "I did go shopping in the morning, but I went shopping for a while and found it boring, so I came back."

   "Shopping is really not interesting. If you have time to go shopping, it's better to go to the shooting range and shoot a few rounds of wooden warehouses."

  After hearing what the monkey said, Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to remind the monkey that his thoughts were bad, otherwise it would be easy to be alone.

  But when she thought that this era was different from the world in her previous life, she swallowed back the words that came to her mouth.

  Because in this day and age, monkey's work can attract many girls to marry him, so monkey will not find a wife.

   "Aren't you going to eat?" Zhang Xu packed the meal and came to the little girl, and then said to the monkey sitting opposite the little girl.

  After hearing what Zhang Xu said, the monkey realized that he was here for dinner, so he immediately stood up from the stool and ran to the vegetable window, because he was afraid that he would have nothing to eat if he got there late.

  After the monkey left, Zhang Xu put the lunch box on the table and opened it, then pushed the meaty portion in front of the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the lunch box that Zhang Xu pushed over, and saw that there was a lot of minced meat in the lunch box, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, it seems that the food in the bureau is much better than that in the base."

   "It's definitely a lot better."

   "You don't feel much when you see the food in the bureau? For example, improve the food in the base cafeteria."

   "I can't improve, there are too many people in the base, and the funds are not enough."

   "Isn't the upper management appropriating funds on a per capita basis?"

   "It is not distributed by head, but by organization."

  (end of this chapter)

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