Chapter 2556 Visiting the door

  When Zhang Xu came to the Zhang family, he saw the happy family, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he said to the Zhang family: "The idlers leave immediately."

  Zhang Mingcong originally planned to let Zhang Xu off for the sake of the old man, and not to attack Zhang Xu.

  But when he heard Zhang Xu's words and saw the mocking smile on Zhang Xu's mouth, he immediately exploded.

  So he yelled at Zhang Xu: "Why did you come back, you bastard? Didn't you say you had severed ties with the Zhang family? Why do you still have the face to return to the Zhang family?"

   "Shut up, Ming Cong, the blood of our Zhang family is flowing on Zhang Xu's body, no matter what he does, it will not change that he is from the Zhang family."

   "Old man, when I said that I am no longer the Zhang family, I am no longer the Zhang family, so there is no need for you to mix me with the Zhang family, because I think it is dirty."


   "Dad, I just said that he is not a good guy. You still defend him everywhere. I should have strangled him when he was born, so that he will come to our Zhang family now."

   "Shut up, you take them away immediately."


   "Don't call me dad, if you don't leave now, don't come to me again in the future."

   Zhang Mingcong glared at Zhang Xu after hearing Master Zhang's words, then he stood up reluctantly, ready to leave with his wife and son.

   "Wait, you can't leave yet." Seeing that Zhang Mingcong's family was about to leave, Zhang Xu befriended Zhang Mingcong's family.

   "Zhang Xu, just let your dad and the others leave. Talk to me about what you have to do."

   "Old man, for the sake of the previous affection, I'll call you old man, so please don't meddle in the affairs between me and their family, otherwise I'm afraid I will do something that you will regret."

   After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Mr. Zhang looked at Zhang Xu's eyes without any emotional fluctuations. He moved his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Zhang Mingcong became angry when Zhang Xu called them to stop. Now when he heard Zhang Xu threatening Mr. Zhang, his anger reached the breaking point in an instant, so he yelled at Zhang Xu regardless: " You scoundrel, you dare to threaten your grandfather, do you still have humanity, see if I don't beat you to death."

   Zhang Xu looked at Zhang Mingcong who was rushing towards him, and the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth deepened. He was really not worth it for his mother, and he fell in love with such a dog.

   "Hurry up, stop Mingcong quickly." When Mr. Zhang saw Zhang Mingcong rushing towards Zhang Xu, his eyelids twitched several times, and then he shouted to the people closest to Zhang Mingcong.

  The people closest to Zhang Mingcong immediately stepped forward to stop Zhang Mingcong when they heard Mr. Zhang's words. Fortunately, they were all Lianjiazi, otherwise they really couldn't stop Zhang Mingcong who was in a rage.

   "Let go of me quickly, today I will definitely kill that bastard, it will be useless for any of you to stop me." Zhang Mingcong shouted while struggling.

Zhang Xu looked at Zhang Mingcong's shrew-like appearance. He once suspected that Zhang Mingcong was not his father, but no matter how he checked, he found that Zhang Mingcong was his father. This made him very regretful. He would rather be a person whose father is unknown. I don't want to have such a father as Zhang Mingcong.

  Because Zhang Mingcong never gave him any paternal love, all Zhang Mingcong gave him was harm, so in his eyes Zhang Mingcong was not worthy of being his father.

   Little cuties, remember to vote if you have a vote, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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