Chapter 2560 A sumptuous lunch

   Zhang Xu was stunned for a moment when he heard the little girl's words. He didn't expect the little girl's answer to be like this, but the little girl's answer was not wrong. Too many ordinary lives can easily make people lose their fighting spirit.

   "Have you ever thought about living in Beijing?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl.

   "I have thought about it, but I still decided to live in the county seat and return to Beijing when I am older."

   "Actually, you can live in a village near Beijing, so it will be much more convenient to return to Beijing."

   "Forget it, I'm used to living in Harbin, so I'll continue to live in Harbin.

  Besides, I have so many friends in Harbin. If you asked me to leave Harbin, I would be reluctant to part with them. "

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu didn't persuade the little girl to come to Beijing, but said to the little girl: "The meal should be ready, let's go eat."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu entered the eating place, they saw Ke Baiwei coming out of the kitchen with a meal, so she asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, can we eat?"

   "Okay, you guys find a place to sit down."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she found a seat next to Zhang Xu and sat down.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu sat down, Ke Baiwei said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Little girl, how about the dishes I cooked today?"

   "Okay, very good, very good, just looking at it makes me feel very delicious."

   "Hahaha... Didn't you insult your ingredients?"

   "No, absolutely not. If I get good ingredients in the future, I will send them all to Uncle Ke. I also hope that Uncle Ke will not dislike me for trouble."

"How could I dislike your troubles? As a chef, what I like most is to cook a variety of delicacies with various ingredients, so if you have any dishes you want to eat in the future, just send the ingredients and I will give you Do."

   "Thank you, Uncle Ke."

   "You're welcome, we are helping each other."

   "Can I eat that litter now?"

   "Okay, you can eat quickly, seafood should be eaten while it is hot, otherwise it will be fishy when it is cold."

  After hearing what Ke Baiwei said, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately picked up a piece of steamed fish with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth. When she finished eating the fish in her mouth, she gave Ke Baiwei a thumbs up.

   "I know my cooking skills are good, you can eat quickly."


   An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao put down the chopsticks in her hand contentedly, and then she asked Zhang Xu, "Are you full?"

"I am full."

Hearing Zhang Xu's answer, Ke Baiwei glanced at Zhang Xu, and then said to Zhang Xu: "I'll get you a bowl of noodles, just now you have been peeling shrimp shells and picking fish bones for the little girl, how could you be full? Even if you want to make girls happy, don't make fun of your body."

Zhang Xu's ears blushed unconsciously when he heard Ke Baiwei's words. Just as he was about to use his eyes to warn Ke Baiwei not to finish talking nonsense, he saw Ke Baiwei walking towards the kitchen quickly, so he had no choice but to turn his eyes away. On the little girl.

  When Zhang Xu's eyes fell on her, Lu Xiaoxiao also looked at Zhang Xu, and then she asked Zhang Xu: "Why are you lying to me? Why don't you tell the truth?"

   "I didn't lie to you, I really had enough to eat."

   "How much difference is it?"


   "Zhang Xu, if you behave like this next time, don't eat with me. I don't want to cause you to eat half full because of me."

  (end of this chapter)

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