Chapter 2570 Abuse of scum (3)

  Seeing that Mr. Zhang was angry, Zhang Mingcong didn't dare to hide it anymore, so he walked out from behind Mr. Zhang, and said to Ke Lian and Zhang Yang, "Go and get the things."

   "Ming Cong, we don't know where things are?"

   "Come here, I'll tell you."

  Ke Lian immediately ran towards Zhang Mingcong after hearing Zhang Mingcong's words, and after she learned from Zhang Mingcong where the things were kept, she immediately led Zhang Yang out of the living room.

  After Zhang Xu saw that Ke Lian took Zhang Yang away, he knew that the matter would not be resolved so quickly, so he took the little girl to sit on the stool farthest from Zhang's family.

   "Mom, why do you think Dad got Dong XZ up without telling us?" Zhang Yang asked Ke Lian after leaving Zhang's house.

   "Why do you say? Naturally, it is to guard against us."

   "Why is Dad guarding against us, aren't we a family?"

   "Heh... family, your dad probably never regarded us as a family, he doesn't know how many things he still keeps from us."

After Zhang Yang heard Ke Lian's words, he thought of Zhang Mingcong's way of loving him. He felt that Ke Lian must have misunderstood Zhang Mingcong, so he said to Ke Lian: "Mom, did you misunderstand Dad, who is always good to us? , not at all like what you said."

   "Son, you are still too naive. The world of adults is much more complicated than you think. Anyway, if you believe what mom says, mom won't lie to you."


   "Let's go, let's go and get the things to the old house, or something will happen soon."


More than an hour later, Ke Lian and Zhang Yang came into the living room with big bags and small bags. After they put the things on the ground in front of Zhang Mingcong, they said to Zhang Mingcong, "Mingcong, I have brought all the things. Please take a look." Did you miss anything."

  Zhang Mingcong nodded after hearing Ke Lian's words, and then began to look through the things Ke Lian and Zhang Yang brought.

  After he looked through everything, he saw that there was nothing missing, so he said to Zhang Xu: "All the things those people sent are here, let someone take them."

   "Monkey, go and check the things. If there is no difference from what is written on the list, take the things out and put them in the car."

   "Yes." After the monkey finished speaking, he went to check things with Mu Mu.

  After more than ten minutes, Monkey and Mu checked everything. They saw that the things were the same as those on the list, and there was nothing missing, so they walked out of the living room with their things.

  When Zhang Mingcong saw that Zhang Xu's people took the things away, he felt very heartbroken, because those things were all rare treasures. Although those things are not very valuable now, who can guarantee that they will be worthless in the future.

  At this moment, Zhang Xu's people took those things away, it was like cutting his flesh with a knife, it hurt so much.

   "I've already given you the things, now you can get out." Zhang Mingcong said to Zhang Xu with his face twisted.

   "There's one more thing that hasn't been resolved, so I can't go yet."

  The three members of Zhang Mingcong's family immediately had a bad premonition when they heard Zhang Xu's words. Before they could react, Zhang Xu's words directly confirmed their premonition was correct.

   "Zhang Xu, can't you help Yangyang once? No matter what, he is your brother." Zhang Mingcong said to Zhang Xu.

   "My mother only gave birth to me, so don't call any cat or dog my younger brother. I'm afraid my mother will crawl out of the coffin in anger."

   Little cuties, it’s the end of the month, if you have a ticket in your hand, please vote for Huahua, I love you



  (end of this chapter)

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