Chapter 2573 A wonderful solution

  Hearing the gray cat's words, the monkey's eyes lit up like light bulbs, and then he excitedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, you are the best, and you can come up with such a wonderful method. I really admire you."

   "Don't get excited, drive hard, and it's not a day or two since you admired me, there's no need to bring it up."

  Hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey smiled mischievously, and then he started driving seriously, not daring to say a word anymore, because Zhang Xu's cold eyes were already looking at him.

   After more than half an hour, the car stopped in the square of the base. After getting off the car, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu: "You take someone to move things, and I'll see what delicious food Uncle Ke made."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the dining place, she heard the sound of cooking from the kitchen, so she walked towards the kitchen.

  When she came to the kitchen, she saw Ke Baiwei cooking vermicelli, so she asked Ke Baiwei, "Uncle Ke, what are we having for lunch? Could it be fried vermicelli?"

  Ke Baiwei was taken aback when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but he soon recovered, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Stinky girl, don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?"

   "I'm sorry Uncle Ke, I didn't mean to scare you."

   "Okay, I know you didn't mean it, come here and help me serve the food."

   "Okay, I'll be right there." Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the kitchen after finishing speaking, and then helped Ke Baiwei serve the dishes.

  After she put all the dishes cooked by Ke Baiwei on the table, she said to Ke Baiwei: "Uncle Ke, can you cook more staple food? There will probably be many people coming to eat in a while."

   "A lot of people? Who?"

   "Monkeys, do you know them?"

   "I know, why don't I know each other, those four people are nothing but idiots, I'm going to cook pimple soup for them, the rice can't stand their cooking."

   "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "You washed that cabbage for me."


   More than ten minutes later, after Lu Xiaoxiao and Ke Baiwei put a large pot of pimple soup on the table, she saw Zhang Xu and the monkey walking in.

  So she said to Zhang Xu and Hou Zi, "Go and wash your hands, Uncle Ke has already cooked the meal."

   Zhang Xu and Hou Zi glanced at the food on the table after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then they quickly went to the kitchen to wash their hands.

After Zhang Xu and the monkey sat down, Ke Baiwei said to Zhang Xu and the monkey: "Your staple food at noon today is the pot of pimple soup, and the white rice is eaten by me and the little girl. What do you think about this arrangement?" Any comments?"


   "Then let's serve dinner."

More than an hour later, lunch was over, and Lu Xiaoxiao was about to pack up the dishes and go to the kitchen to wash them, but before her hands could touch the dishes, she was dragged away by Zhang Xu, so she could only wave to Ke Baiwei apologetically. waved, and left with Zhang Xu.

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu left, Monkey and the others consciously packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them, because they knew that what Ke Baiwei hated most was washing dishes. You can't eat with Ke Baiwei.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao followed Zhang Xu to Zhang Xu's room, she asked Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, what are you doing in your room?"

  (end of this chapter)

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