Chapter 2579 Apprentice decline

   "It's delicious, it's so delicious, Uncle Ke, don't look at me, eat it quickly." Lu Xiaoxiao tasted it to Ke Bai after finishing the fish-flavored shredded pork sandwich in her mouth.

   "Eat it, I don't like this one, I prefer to eat pancakes with green onions."

   "Uncle Ke, aren't you from Beijing?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing Ke Baiwei's words.

   "That's right, I'm not from Beijing, I'm from Eastern Province, and our people like pancakes rolled with scallions."

   "I've also heard that people in Eastern Province like to eat pancakes wrapped with scallions, and they also like to dip scallions in sauce."

   "You know a lot, even we like to eat with scallions and sauce."

   "Hey... I also heard from others."

   "Eat quickly, the food will be cold in a while."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao washed the dishes and was about to leave, but she was stopped by Ke Baiwei as soon as she reached the door, so she walked to the stool opposite Ke Baiwei and sat down.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down, Ke Baiwei poured Lu Xiaoxiao a glass of water, then asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Little girl, do you like cooking?"

   "Not bad."

   "Then do you want to learn how to cook with me?"

   "Of course I want to, but Uncle Ke is the heir to the royal chef, so can he pass on his cooking skills to outsiders?"

   "Of course not, but as long as you become my apprentice, that's fine."

   "Uncle Ke, don't you want me to take over your mantle and pass on your culinary skills?"

   "Yes, that's what I thought."

   "Thank you Uncle Ke for your kindness. It's true that I don't want to be here. I'm afraid I will disappoint Uncle Ke." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Ke Bai apologetically.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ke Baiwei said that it is impossible not to be disappointed, but he also understands that everyone has their own ambitions, so he waved his hand at Lu Xiaoxiao indifferently and said: "Wufang, let you be a cute little girl." It's really inappropriate for the girl and me to learn how to cook, I was thinking about it just now."

   "Uncle Ke, little girls can also learn to cook, but I am not suitable because I am too lazy. My ambition is to be a salted fish, and I am working hard towards this goal."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she silently filled in her ambition of being a renter, because her ultimate ambition is to be a rent-collecting salted fish, hahaha...

  Ke Baiwei was at a loss after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't understand why Lu Xiaoxiao made a salted fish. Could it be that Lu Xiaoxiao likes to eat salted fish, so he wanted to make a salted fish?

   "Xiaoxiao, do you like salted fish?" Ke Baiwei asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

"I don't like to eat salted fish. I like to eat fresh fish. Why did Uncle Ke suddenly ask me if I like to eat salted fish? Is it because my ambition is to be a salted fish that Uncle Ke asked me this way? ?”


Lu Xiaoxiao almost couldn't help laughing after hearing Ke Baiwei's answer. She didn't expect Ke Baiwei to have such a big brain, but it seemed normal for Ke Baiwei to think so, after all, Ke Baiwei was not from her previous life. .

   "Uncle Ke, the salted fish I mentioned is just a metaphor, it has nothing to do with real salted fish, and I really don't like salted fish, so Uncle Ke, don't make salted fish for me."

   "Don't worry, I don't like salted fish either, so I won't make it for you."

"That's good."

   "Let's go, I want to be alone for a while." Ke Baiwei said to Lu Xiaoxiao after drinking all the water in the glass.

  (end of this chapter)

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