Chapter 2583 First Aid (3)

"Master Xiao, please take a look at them. Although the wounds on their bodies have been treated, the doctor said... that they can no longer do their current jobs after being discharged from the hospital. I want you to help confirm whether what the doctor said is true. Yes." Mu Mu said to Lu Xiaoxiao with a choked voice.

  After hearing Mu Mu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao reached out and patted Mu Mu's shoulder, and then she walked towards the hospital bed closest to her.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao helped everyone in the ward check the wounds, and then she said to Mu Mu: "Come out with me, I have something to tell you."

   After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Mu Mu explained a few words to the brothers in the ward, and walked out of the ward with Lu Xiaoxiao.

After Lu Xiaoxiao got out of the ward, he said to Mu Mu: "Mu Mu, there are sixteen people in there, I can only heal twelve of them, and the other four people's injuries are too serious, even if I heal them, they won't be able to Continue to work now."

  Wu Mu felt a little regretful after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but he clearly understood that Lu Xiaoxiao was very good at allowing twelve people to continue their current work. You must know that the doctor had directly sentenced them to death before.

So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, it is very good that you can let twelve people continue their current jobs. The doctor said before that none of them can continue their current jobs. You gave them a new life. I will replace them." Thank you."

   "No need to thank them, they are the cutest people, and it is right to save them, but you have to appease those four people, enlighten them well, and don't let them feel stressed."

   "I know, the boss has already explained to me."

   "Where is Zhang Xu now?"

   "I don't know, the boss didn't tell us."

   "Okay, I'm going to treat their wounds now, you ask someone to find out where Zhang Xu is."


  At around seven o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the ward with a tired face. When she saw the empty corridor, she immediately became vigilant.

Just when she was about to retreat into the ward, she heard footsteps approaching her from far to near, and her vigilance became even higher, and she also took the dagger that Zhang Xu gave her from The space is taken out and hidden inside the sleeve.

   "It's close... it's close... why is Zhang Xu you?" When Lu Xiaoxiao saw a familiar figure appearing around the corner, she slumped against the wall and said to Zhang Xu.

   "Why can't it be me?"

   "No reason, come here and help me, I don't want to walk when I'm tired."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the chair in the corridor with Zhang Xu's support, she asked Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, why is there no one in this corridor?"

   "The superior asked me to temporarily take over the hospital. This floor is filled with people under my command, so there are no outsiders on this floor except doctors and nurses."

After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao finally understood what was going on, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Do you know? When I came out of the ward just now, I saw the empty corridor and thought something serious happened. I was scared." It made my heart pound.

   Later, when I heard your footsteps again, I was so frightened that the hairs on my body stood on end. Tell me what you did. "

   "Sorry, I didn't think things through, there will be no next time."

   "Forget it, I know you didn't mean it, so I don't remember the villain's mistakes, and I don't care about it like you."

  (end of this chapter)

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