Chapter 2589 Care

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu supported the little girl's feet with his hands, and then walked towards the operating room with the little **** his back.

   "Master Xiao, what's the matter with you?" Monkey saw Lu Xiaoxiao being carried out of the operating room by Zhang Xu, and thought something happened to Lu Xiaoxiao, so he hurried forward and asked.

   "I'm fine, just a little exhausted, just rest for a while."

   "Do you need me to arrange a ward for you?"

   "No, I'll go straight back to the base."

   "Then I'll drive the car over, and you and the boss will go downstairs slowly." After the monkey finished speaking, he ran downstairs.

When Zhang Xu went downstairs with the little **** his back, he saw that the car had already parked at the entrance of the hospital, so he put the little **** his back and sat in the co-pilot's seat, and said to Monkey, "Monkey, tonight's hospital Safety is up to you, I don't want to see what happened last night repeated."

  Hearing what Zhang Xu said, the monkey immediately assured Zhang Xu: "Boss, don't worry, as long as my monkey is here, I will never let those disgusting flies fly into the hospital."


   "Boss, get in the car, I'll take you and Master Xiao back to the base." Seeing that Zhang Xu hadn't gotten into the car yet, the monkey said to Zhang Xu.

   "You don't need to send it, I will drive back by myself."

  Hearing what Zhang Xu said, Monkey thought that he still had to protect those brothers in the hospital, so he got off the driver's seat directly.

   After the monkey got out of the car, Zhang Xu explained a few words to the monkey, then sat in the driver's seat and drove away.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the square of the base, and Lu Xiaoxiao was about to open the door to get off, but before she could open the door, she heard Zhang Xu telling her to sit properly, so she took her hand away from the doorknob return.

  Seeing that the little girl was obedient, Zhang Xu couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the little girl's hair, then got out of the car to open the door for the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu standing outside the car door, and said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, I've rested, you don't have to carry me on your back."

   "No, I promised to take care of you before, so I must do it."

The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard Zhang Xu's words, but since she had free means of transportation, why not do it, so she threw herself on Zhang Xu's back and said to Zhang Xu: "Go to the dining room .”

   "I'll take you back to your room. When the meal is ready, I'll send it to you."

"All right."

   After Zhang Xu sent the little girl to the room, he made a cup of sugar water for the little girl, and then he went out to the dining room to cook.

   After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao drank the sugar water that Zhang Xu made for her, and she went into the space to take a bath.

  During the operation before, even though she wasn't the one who performed the surgery, after staying in the operating room for so long, she always felt a **** smell on her body. If she didn't take a bath, she might feel uncomfortable all afternoon.

When Zhang Xu returned to the little girl's room with the prepared meals, he saw the little girl sitting by the window wiping her hair with a towel, so he put the basket he was carrying on the table and walked behind the little girl to take Pass the towel in the little girl's hand and wipe the little girl's hair.

   "Zhang Xu, why did you come back so soon?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu after the towel was taken away by Zhang Xu.

   "Ke Baiwei cooked ginseng chicken soup at noon today, so I simply fried two dishes and came back."

   "How could Uncle Ke think of making chicken soup and using ginseng? It's really a big deal."

  (end of this chapter)

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