Chapter 2607 Farewell

   "Kuukoukou...Kuukoukou...Xiaoxiao, are you there?"

   "Yes, I'll open the door right away." Lu Xiaoxiao just packed up her things when she heard Meng Juan's voice, so she replied.

   When Lu Xiaoxiao opened the door, Meng Juan saw a large bag on the floor of Lu Xiaoxiao's room, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, where are you going?"

   "Go home, this is not my house, I can't live here forever."

   "That's right, I'm going home today too."

   "Aunt Juan, is it safe for you to go home?"

   "It's safe, someone from above notified me that the matter has been resolved, and let me go home with peace of mind."

"That's good."

   "Xiaoxiao, are you free to come to my house for dinner tomorrow? You have done us such a favor this time, and I feel really sorry if I don't invite you to dinner."

   "Aunt Juan, I'm afraid I won't be able to go to your house for dinner tomorrow, because I'm leaving today."

   "Then when will you return to Beijing?"

   "I have no way to be sure about this, but I will definitely visit your house next time I come to Beijing."

   "This is what you said, you can't take your word for it."

   "Don't worry, Aunt Juan, I always mean what I say."

   "Okay, you go on packing your things, I'll go first." Meng Juan walked out of the room after she finished speaking.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was about to close the door of the room after Meng Juan left, but she hurriedly closed the door before she came, and saw Zhang Xu coming out of the room, so she greeted Zhang Xu: "Good morning."

   "Good morning, have you packed your things?"

   "It's packed."

   "Go and have breakfast first."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu came to the dining room, they saw a bowl of porridge and buns on the dining table. They knew that today's breakfast was porridge and buns, so they sat down at the dining table and ate.

  When Zhang Baiwei came back from shopping, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu sitting at the table eating breakfast, and he said to Zhang Xu angrily, "Boy Xu, I made the breakfast for the little girl, how dare you eat it?"

   "Xiaoxiao said she couldn't finish eating, so let me help eat together." Zhang Xu said without guilt.

  Lu Xiaoxiao was taken aback by Zhang Xu's fierce operation. She never thought that Zhang Xu would be so shameless and let her be a child.

  Just when she wanted to refute, she heard what Ke Baiwei said, which almost made her vomit blood.

   "Uncle Ke, what nonsense are you talking about? I'll give you another chance to speak clearly." Lu Xiaoxiao turned to Ke Baiwei.

   "Why am I talking nonsense, you just turn your elbows out, you haven't got the surname of Xu boy, you just give Xu boy whatever is good, you make me feel so embarrassed."

"you you…."

   "Are you full?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl when he saw that the little girl was incomparably smelled by Ke Bai.

   "Full of gas."

   "Since we are full, let's go, don't care about him like a bad old man, or it will lower your IQ."

   "You're right, let's go." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the dining room.

  After Zhang Xu saw the little girl leaving the dining room, he turned to Ke Bai with a dark belly: "From today onwards, Xiaoxiao and I don't have to cook our meals."

   "What do you mean? What do you mean don't cook your rice?"

   "It means that Xiaoxiao and I are leaving." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he walked out of the dining room without looking back.

  (end of this chapter)

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