Chapter 2617 Hit the door (2)

  After she sprinkled a pack of powder in her hand, she saw the poison approaching her scattered in all directions. It seemed that the poison was like some people, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao disappeared all the poisons, she didn't continue to move forward, but chose to go back the same way.

  After the monkey saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out of the canyon, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, are you alright?"

   "It's okay, you go in with me."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao led the monkey into the canyon, they didn't encounter any danger along the way, and they quickly passed the canyon and came to the foot of the mountain.

   "Master Xiao, do you find it strange?" Monkey asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "What's strange?"

   "Did our journey go too smoothly? We didn't encounter any danger at all."

   "It's not that I didn't encounter danger, but I solved it in advance."

   "I see, I said how could the Poison Sect allow us to pass through the canyon so easily."

   "Ghost Nine, you and Ghost Fifteen broke the front formation." Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at the formation at the entrance, and said to Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen.

  Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then they walked to the front of the formation and began to break the formation.

Taking advantage of the time when Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen broke through the formation, Lu Xiaoxiao took out a bottle of spray from the space under the cover of the backpack and said to the monkey, "Spray the water on your body, remember to put the water on your body. Spray it to every place in your body, otherwise you may suffer in a short while."

  Hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, the monkey was terrified all over, and then he quickly took the spray from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, and then went to the side to spray the spray wildly.

Half an hour later, Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen broke the formation, and they said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, we broke the formation, but this formation has the function of regeneration, that is to say, after ten minutes It will form a new formation."

Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing the words of Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen. Ever since she came into contact with formations, she was so aggrieved that she thought she had already learned formations, but the reality gave her a hard time. Slap, it seems that she has a long and long journey to learn formation.

   "Let's go, let's go up the mountain." Lu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply.

   "Wait." Hearing that Lu Xiaoxiao was going up the mountain, the monkey immediately shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao.

"What's wrong?"

   "Ghost Nine and Ghost Fifteen didn't spray this thing in my hand."

   "They don't need to."


   "Because they have profound skills, ordinary poisons have no effect on them."

  Hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey felt that he had been stabbed in the chest, and felt that he was the one who was lagging behind among the four, which was really sad.

  Looking at the changing expression on the monkey's face, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that the monkey must be thinking about something, so she said to the monkey, "Let's go, Zhang Xu is still waiting for us."


   More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Hou Zi came to a house. They all twitched their lips when they looked at the dark house in front of them.

   "Master Xiao, how brave do you think they are to live in this house that is scarier than a coffin?" The monkey asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "How do I know, but you can ask them later, I think they will be willing to answer for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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