Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2623: extract a confession

  Chapter 2623 Extorted confession

Seeing that Poison Eye woke up, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Poison Eye: "Who told you to arrest him? Don't tell me you don't know. If you don't know the details of your employer, you won't arrest him at all. The task is next."

  Duyan's eyes flickered when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't expect that what Du Xingtian didn't see through would be seen through by the little **** in front of him.

   But even if the little **** sees through it, so what, as long as he doesn't admit it, the little **** will have nothing to do with him.

   "I can't understand what you are talking about. I said that I don't know who the employer is, even if you poison me to death, I don't know."

   "Don't worry, I won't poison you to death. Just now I had someone give you a life-saving medicine, so not only will you not die, but you will live well."

Poison Eye didn't feel happy when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but felt creepy instead. Judging from Lu Xiaoxiao's attitude, she would never spare his life with good intentions. She must be thinking of a more vicious trick in her heart. deal with him.

   "Poison Eye, I'll give you another chance. If you don't tell the truth again, then don't blame me for not being humanitarian."

   "I said I don't know, even if you ask a hundred times, I still don't know."

   "Monkey, go and ask if the Toxic Executioner has brought it." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Monkey.

  Hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, the monkey immediately walked into the hall, and after a while he came back with the person Lu Xiaoxiao wanted.

   "Master Xiao, I brought him."

   "Bring them to Poison Eye, let them have a good talk with Poison Eye."


  When the monkey brought the man to him, Poison Eye trembled with anger. He never thought that Lu Xiaoxiao would arrest his wife and children. It really is the most poisonous woman.

   "Boss, what's wrong with you? You... woo woo woo...."

   "Don't cry, I'm fine, you hold the baby well, don't let him fall."

   "How can you be fine, you're already like this... woo woo woo..."

   "I said I'm fine, if you drop the child, don't blame me for beating you."

   "I... I won't drop the child, master, you... what's wrong with you? Why did they arrest you?"

   "Don't worry about my affairs, just take good care of the children, and don't forget what I told you before, did you hear?"

   "Listen... I heard it, I have remembered... the words you said... in my heart."

   "Okay, you take the child home quickly, I'll be home in a while."

   "I...I won't go, I want to go home with you."



   "Get out of here, or I will divorce you."

   "Then...then I went home with the child, and we will wait for you to come home at home."

   After Du Yan's wife and children left, Lu Xiaoxiao walked up to Du Yan and asked him, "Say?"

   "You are really calculating, threatening me with my wife and children?"

   "Hehe... It's much worse than you. You wanted to kill my relatives for money. If I didn't have a little conscience, I would have killed your wife and children long ago."

   "If I tell you, you can let my wife and children go?"

   "Naturally, I'm not a beast, and I won't do what a beast would do, but if you dare to tell a lie, then I don't mind doing what a beast would do once."

   "Okay, I will tell you what I know, I hope you will do what you say, and let my wife and children go."

  (end of this chapter)

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