Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2626: Detoxification Detoxification (2)

  Chapter 2626 Detoxification Detoxification (2)

"The gray cat is right. I really plan to do so, so you all hold your breath. I also want to use the power of the Poison Sect to destroy the Jiuming Sect." Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the dormitory after giving Zhang Xu the needle. Hearing what the gray cat said, he opened his mouth.

  Monkey saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming out, he hurriedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, you have bought back all the herbs you asked me to buy."

   "I saw it. In the next time, you will help me detoxify Zhang Xu, and try to get rid of all the poison on Zhang Xu today."


   "Gray cat, wood, you two go to sort the medicinal materials, monkey, go to the canteen to buy some food, scorpion, go find a big wooden barrel, and Zhang Xu will take a medicinal bath later."


When the four monkeys were busy going, Lu Xiaoxiao went to the stool beside Zhang Xu and sat down, then leaned on Zhang Xu's ear and whispered: "Zhang Xu, I will relieve you of the last four weeks left on your body. One kind of poison, because these four kinds of poisons generate and restrain each other, so the body will hurt more than a knife when detoxifying.

  You must hold on, if you can’t make it through, your internal strength will be completely abolished, or you will lose your life, did you hear me?

   If you move your eyelids when you hear it, let me have a clear idea, otherwise when I detoxify you, I will have no idea and it will be easy to make mistakes. "

  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished talking to Zhang Xu all she wanted to say, her eyes were fixed on Zhang Xu's face, afraid of missing any subtle facial movements of Zhang Xu.

   Unfortunately, the result disappointed her. She stared at Zhang Xu's face for five minutes, but she didn't see any movement on Zhang Xu's face.

  Just when she was about to give up, she saw Zhang Xu's eyelids tremble, which instantly made her clench her fists excitedly.

  Zhang Xu heard what she said just now, which made her full of confidence in the next detoxification.

   "Grey Cat, Wood, have you divided up the medicinal materials?" Lu Xiaoxiao got up and asked Gray Cat and Wood.

   "Not so far."

   "Hurry up, I'll see if the scorpion has brought the barrel back." Lu Xiaoxiao walked out of the dormitory after speaking.

After getting the wooden barrel, Xiezi was worrying about how to get it upstairs, when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao leaning over the corridor and looking out, he hurriedly shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I borrowed the wooden barrel, you Go downstairs and help me, the corridor is too short, I can't get the barrel to the second floor by myself."

   "Wait for me, I'll be right down."


When Lu Xiaoxiao came downstairs, she saw that the wooden bucket borrowed by Xiezi was very big, even bigger than a normal bathtub for bathing, so she asked Xiezi: "Xiezi, where did you get such a big wooden bucket?" bucket?"

"I borrowed it from a butcher in a village outside the base. This is the wooden barrel he used to scald pigs when he helped others kill pigs. However, this wooden barrel has just been beaten and has not been used yet, so I borrowed it. The boss uses it for medicinal baths."

  The corner of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard what Scorpion said. She didn't expect the origin of this wooden barrel to be so weird.

  She didn't dare to think about what Zhang Xu's face would look like if he knew that she gave him a medicinal bath with a wooden barrel of hot pigs.

   But now the situation is special, and she has no choice but to use this wooden barrel to give him a medicinal bath. If he knows the real situation, he probably won't settle accounts with her.

  (end of this chapter)

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