Chapter 2628 Work together

After Lu Xiaoxiao picked out the second batch of medicinal materials to put into the wooden barrel, she saw that the gray cat and the others had already carried Zhang Xu into the wooden barrel, so she said to Xie Zi and Mu Mu: "You two go pick four barrels of hot medicine again. When the water comes, the water temperature of Zhang Xu's medicated bath must be kept above 60 degrees, so I will have to work hard for you next."

   "It's not hard, it's just picking some water. It's much easier than training. Let's pick hot water right now." Scorpion walked out of the dormitory with Mu Mu after speaking.

After the scorpion and the wood left, Lu Xiaoxiao said to the monkey and the gray cat: "I want to give Zhang Xu an injection, and each of you will help me fry the medicinal materials on the stool. Three bowls of water will make one bowl of water. Zhang Xu wants to drink in a while.

   Another person went to guard the door of the dormitory, don't let anyone disturb me. "


  After Lu Xiaoxiao left the monkey and the gray cat to work, she took out the golden needle from the space, and then focused on giving Zhang Xu the needle.

  After she stuck the last needle into the center of Zhang Xu's chest, she immediately used her internal force to make the golden needle vibrate, and she didn't withdraw her internal force until black blood flowed out from the golden needle.

   When Scorpion and Mu carried water into the dormitory, they just saw black blood flowing from the golden needle, and they opened their mouths wide in shock.

  It was the first time they had seen the usage of silver needles, it was amazing.

   "Scorpion, pour two buckets of hot water into the wooden barrel." After giving Zhang Xu the needle, Lu Xiaoxiao said to him when she saw that Scorpion had brought the hot water.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Scorpion immediately put the hot water on the ground, then picked it up and poured it into the wooden bucket.

  After he poured both buckets of hot water into the wooden barrel, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, do you still need to pick up hot water?"


   When Xiezi heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, he turned around and left the dormitory to fetch hot water without saying a word.

  Wood asked Lu Xiaoxiao after the scorpion left, "Master Xiao, when will my two buckets of hot water be poured into the wooden bucket?"

   "Three minutes later."


  After more than forty minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao put the fifth batch of herbs into the barrel, and then she asked the gray cat who was decocting medicine outside the dormitory: "Gray cat, is the medicine ready?"

   "It's ready."

   "Bring it in."


After the gray cat came in with a bowl, Lu Xiaoxiao took the medicine from the gray cat's hand. She tried the temperature of the medicine and saw that the medicine was a little hot, so she kept drawing and pulling the medicine with a spoon until the temperature of the medicine reached the temperature. Appropriate.

  She stretched out her hand to squeeze Zhang Xu's mouth open, and poured medicine on Zhang Xu.

  After she finished filling Zhang Xu with the medicine, she looked at her watch and saw that the time was almost up, so she said to the monkey and the gray cat, "You two, come and hold Zhang Xu, and don't let Zhang Xu come out of the barrel."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the monkey and the gray cat were puzzled as to why Lu Xiaoxiao asked them to hold down Zhang Xu, but they still walked to Zhang Xu's side as Lu Xiaoxiao said, and held Zhang Xu firmly. .

  After the monkey and the gray cat held Zhang Xu down, Lu Xiaoxiao put the sixth batch of medicinal materials into the wooden barrel, and then stared at Zhang Xu with fixed eyes.

"Ohh Ohh ohh…."

   "Hold it down for me, don't let Zhang Xu have the slightest chance to move." Lu Xiaoxiao yelled at the monkey and the gray cat immediately after hearing Zhang Xu's sobs.

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's cry, the monkey and the gray cat increased their strength, and pressed Zhang Xu firmly into the barrel without giving Zhang Xu the slightest chance to move.

  (end of this chapter)

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